Working with Legacy Code and COM Components

Working with Legacy Code – COM Components In this tutorial you will learn to use COM Components, Understand Runtime Callable Wrappers, Type Library Importer (TLBIMP), Using COM Components Directly, Using COM+ Components and Creating Com+ Application.   Using COM Components Component Object Model (COM) is a language-independent architecture that defines specifications for component interoperability. Each COM component is identified by a globally unique ID (GUID). It is a number that is unique across space and time. Implementation of COM is called ActiveX. COM objects can be compared with .NET components… Read More

ActiveX Controls and Legacy Code

Working with Legacy Code – ActiveX Control In this tutorial you will learn how to use ActiveX Control, the windows forms ActiveX Control Importer, Importing Controls with Toolbox, Using ActiveX Controls on Windows Forms and you will also learn how to use Platform Invoke. As enterprises grow in strength and reach, IT challenges loom large. All enterprises are confronted with a multitude of legacy applications that are not scaleable or in line with the applications being created for the new environment. However, these applications cannot be thrown out for various… Read More

Windows Application Testing

Testing a Windows Application In this tutorial you will learn how to test a windows application, tracing, using tracing and debug to display information, code tracing and debugging, output from tracing, six debug members and trace methods, Trace Listeners, Trace Switches, Conditional Compilation and Conditional Compilation Constants.   In the earlier lesson “Testing and debugging Web Applications” we learnt how to create a test plan, execute it, how to conduct a unit test, what is integration testing, regression testing and so on. In this lesson we shall examine how to… Read More

Web Application Tracing and Debugging

Tracing and Debugging a Web Application In this tutorial you will learn how to trace and debug a web application. Tracing – Using the TraceContext class, Using Trace and Debug, Trace listeners, Trace Switches and Conditional Compilation. Debugging – you will learn setting breakpoints and conditional breakpoints, how to debug a running process and also about debugging a remote process. Tracing This class is used to append messages to specific trace categories. For example, if the developer is creating an instance of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar class for the application, he might… Read More

Web Application Testing in VB.NET 2005

VB.NET 2005 Turorials : Testing a Web Application In this tutorial you will learn about Testing a Web Application, Configuring ASP.NET Unit Tests Using Run Configuration, Creating and Removing Run Configurations, Subsequent run configurations, removing run configuration and editing run configuration. An application is software is created to function efficiently given the necessary parameters. Developers are conscious that, even in the most efficiently created software, errors of a certain nature can occur and must be provided for at design time. Yet other errors could occur at runtime and therefore applications… Read More

Installing Visual Studio.NET 2005

Installing Visual Studio.NET 2.0 In this tutorial you will learn the procedure for Installing Visual Studio.NET 2.0 starting with minimum system requirements, runtime setup and side by side installation. In this tutorial we shall be using Visual Studio.NET 2.0 regular edition. The minimum requirements for installing this version are: PC with Pentium II 600 MHz or higher processor . Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 or later, Microsoft XP Professional with Service Pack I or later or Microsoft Windows Server 2003. . 128 MB of RAM or above .… Read More

Introduction to Visual Studio.NET

Introduction to Visual Studio.NET In this tutorial we shall proceed with a brief Introduction to Visual Studio.NET and also discuss three Versions of Visual Studio.NET – The first version-VS.NET, VS.NET 2003, Visual Studio 2005 VS.NET 2005. The fine lines of distinction between programming disciplines, has been blurred with the introduction of .NET framework. The functionalities encapsulated by the .NET class library, has created common programming interfaces which has impacted the process of development of applications greatly. One of the major areas of change is in Web development. Prior to .NET,… Read More

What’s New in the .NET Framework 2.0 ?

What’s New in the .NET Framework 2.0? In this tutorial you will learn about new feature in .NET Framework 2.0. Various aspects such as Support for 64 bit platform application development, Access control list support (ACL), ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Authenticated streams,COM Interop Service Enhancements, Console Class Additions, Data Protection API, Detecting changes in Network connectivity, Disjunctive Demands, Distributed Computing, EventLog Enhancements, Expanded Certificate Management, FTP Support, Generics and Generic Collection, I/O Enhancements and several other feature are discussed here below. The Microsoft.NET framework of Version 2.0 extends the .NET framework of… Read More

SQL*Loader – Loading Data from Data Files

In this tutorial you will learn about SQL*Loader – Input Data and Datafiles, Fixed Record Format, Variable Record Format and Stream Record Format. SQL*Loader is useful when you need to load the files in batch mode. SQL* Loader supports three different type of data files. You will need to specify the “INFILE” parameter with the file format and additional parameters required. Fixed Record Format: This format is useful when you have a data file with fixed layout. Variable Record Format: This format is used when you have different record lengths… Read More

Registering New Forms in Oracle Apps 11i

Registering New Forms in Oracle Apps 11i In this tutorial you will learn how to Register New Forms in Oracle Apps 11i , registering form functions, creating menu of functions and creating responsibilities. Document Summary This document describes the process of registering new forms in oracle applications. Registering a Form Navigation – Application Developer -> Application->Form Click on Form and you will see following screen. Fields Form : Enter the file name of your form (the name of the .fmx file) without extension. Your form filename must be all uppercase,… Read More

Creation of Master Detail Block in Oracle Apps 11i

Creation of Master Detail Block in Oracle Apps 11i In this tutorial you will learn about Creation of Master Detail Block in Oracle Apps 11i , its prerequisites and Frequently Asked Questions. Creation of Master Detail Block in Oracle Apps 11i Prerequisites There should exist a foreign key relationship between two tables in order to use the database block wizard to create master-detail block relationship. Create child table, master table and the foreign key in the database. Create Master Block Create the master block based on the test_parent_table. Repeat the… Read More

Oracle Data Pump Export

In this tutorial you will learn how to use Oracle Data Pump Export, Invoking Data Pump Export from command prompt and Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM). I am going leave the rest of the export options as home work for you. Make sure you try out other options and parameters and then come back and share your comments and discoveries over here, which will help several other exforsys community members who come here is search of knowledge and information. So then, let me begin to show you about the Oracle Data… Read More

Oracle Data Pump Import

Data Pump Import in Oracle In this tutorial you will learn how to use Oracle Data Pump Import, Invoking Data Pump import from command prompt and Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM). I am going leave the rest of the import options as home work for you. Make sure you try out other options and parameters and then come back and share your comments and discoveries over here, which will help several other exforsys community members who come here is search of knowledge and information. So then, let me begin to show… Read More

Microsoft.NET Framework Tools

.NET Framework Tools In order to facilitate ease of development and deployment of applications, the .NET framework provides the user with a number of tools. All these tools can be run from the command line with the exception of the Assembly Cache Viewer (Shfusion.dll) and the Microsoft CLR Debugger (DbgCLR.exe). In order to ensure that these tools function optimally the user has to set the Path, Include and Lib environment variables by running SDKVars.bat in the /v.2.0/Bin directory and executing it in the command shell. The different types of tools… Read More

.NET Framework Fundamentals

.NET Framework Fundamentals Understanding the .NET Framework .NET framework is a Windows Component that supports the building and running of windows applications and XML Web services. The purpose of the component is to provide the user with a consistent object oriented programming environment whether the code is stored locally or remotely. It aims to minimize software deployment and versioning conflicts and also promote safe execution of code including codes executed by trusted third parties. It is directed towards eliminating performance problems of scripted or interpreted environments. The effort is to… Read More

Creating New Forms in Oracle Apps 11i

Oracle Apps 11i Tutorials: Creating New Forms This document describes the process of creating new forms in oracle applications. In this tutorial we will discuss about Creation of new Block. Template.fmb Download the template.fmb from your oracle applications server. Open template.fmb through forms builder. You will see following screen.. Creation of new Block Click on Data Blocks and select + icon on the left toolbar. You will get following pop up window. Click on OK button and you will see following screen. Click on next button and you will see… Read More

Web Reference and Web Services

In this tutorial you will learn about Using Web Reference – Adding a Web reference:, To create an ASP.NET Web application, Adding a Web Reference, Testing a Web Service, Accessing the XML Web Service and To access the XML Web service VB.NET 2005 Tutorials : Web Reference, ASP.NET Web Application and XML Web Service Using Web Reference A Web reference is a generated proxy class that locally represents the exposed functionality of an XML web service. The proxy class defines methods that represent the actual methods exposed by an XML… Read More

Creating Web Service

Creating Web Service Project In this tutorial you will learn about Creating a Web Service Project. Creating Web Services Creating a Web Service Project Purpose: To create an XML Web service project and thereby separate the functionality of the web service from the web site: 1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Web Site. 2. In the New Web Site dialog box, select the ASP.NET Web Service icon. 3. Enter the address of the Web server on which you will develop the XML Web service. Use… Read More

Instantiating – Invoking Web Services, Creating Proxy Classes with WSDL

Instantiating – Invoking Web Services, Creating Proxy Classes with WSDL In this tutorial you will learn about Discovering Web Services, Instantiating and Invoking Web Services, Creating Proxy Classes with the Web Services Description Language Tool (wsdl.exe) VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Instantiating – Invoking Web Services, and Creating Proxy Classes with WSDL Using the Web Services Discovery Tool (disco.exe) Now that we have created a web service, we will use the disco.exe tool to discover it. To direct the tool to locate the service the syntax to be used is as under.… Read More

Web Services – SOAP, WSDL, Disco and UDDI

Web Services – SOAP, WSDL, Disco and UDDI In this tutorial you will learn about Web Services – Understanding Web Services, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), The Web Service Discovery Tool (DISCO), Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), Web Service Discovery Language (WSDL). Web Services – SOAP, WSDL, Disco and UDDI Understanding Web Services Interconnectedness engendered by the World Wide Web has created a pressure to create applications that are interoperable and distributable over the network. The direction of effort is towards creating applications that connect to each other regardless… Read More

Data Manipulation with ADO.NET

Editing Data With ADO .NET In this tutorial you will learn about Editing Data With ADO .NET – Updating Data, Adding Data, Typed data set, Untyped data set, Deleting Data, Editing with a DataGrid. Updating Data The SqlDataAdapter’s update method is called whenever the changes made to a DataSet has to be applied to the underlying table. The SqlDataAdapter is instantiated using eh SELECT statement and the compiler generates the statements for UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE. The changes made to the DataSet are then applied to the Database. However considerations… Read More

Finding and Sorting Data in DataSets

Finding and Sorting Data in DataSets In this tutorial you will learn about Finding and Sorting Data in DataSets – Filtering on Row State and Version, Sorting and Data View Manager. Finding and Sorting Data in DataSets Using the table’s Select method or the RowFilter property of a data view, the user can filter records in a data table to make available only the required records. This is useful when the user wants to work with different subsets of the records in a dataset table. To specify filter criteria, the… Read More

Using XML Data

Using XML Data In this tutorial you will learn about Using XML Data – XML Basics, Using XmlDocument Class, Treating XML as Relational Data, The Introduction, The database, Handle Data Errors – Handle Database Errors and Handling Multi-User Errors.Using XML Data XML Basics In this section we shall see some of the features of XML with reference to the .NET Framwork. Some prior knowledge of xml is required for understanding this section. The following assemblies implement the core XML standards.: 1) System.Xml -Basci Xml Input and Output with XmlReader and… Read More

Working with DataSets

Access and Manipulate Data – Using DataSets In this tutorial you will learn about Using DataSets, Populating a DataSet From a Database, Moving Around in DataSets and Retrieving Data, Using Strongly Typed DataSets, DataSets With Multiple Tables. Populating a DataSet from a Database As already discussed DataSets do not contain any data when they are created. The user must fill the data in to the DataSet separately. We have already seen that there are several methods of filling a DataSet with data. DataSets can be created using the Visual Studio… Read More

ADO.NET Object Model

In this tutorial you will learn about The ADO .NET Object Model, Data Providers and Their Objects and the Dataset Objects Access and Manipulate Data – The ADO .NET Object Model The ADO .NET Object Model ADO .NET renders very good support for working with disconnected data. ADO .NET 2.0 comes with additional features that enhance the performance of common database tasks. The data source window provides a centralized window for creating and configuring related objects required to access a date source. Smart tags added to the controls provide fast… Read More

SQL Server Stored Procedures

In this tutorial you will learn further more about Access and Manipulate SQL Server data – Using Stored Procedures, Creating a Stored Procedure, Running Stored Procedures from .NET, Using Parameters in Stored Procedures, The @@IDENTITY Variable Access and Manipulate SQL Server data – Using Stored Procedures Using Stored Procedures Stored procedures are an important aspect in all database programs. VB.NET applications are no exceptions to this rule. Stored procedures enable users change the business logic without actually tinkering with the application. SQL Server 2005’s (formerly code named Yukon) integration with… Read More

Working with File System in .NET

In this tutorial you will learn about Access and Manipulate Data, Working with Disk Files, Browsing for Files, Streams and Backing Stores, Using the FileStream Class, Using the StreamReader and StreamWriter Classes, Using the BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Classes. Access and Manipulate Data – Working with Disk Files Working with Disk Files Temporary storage of data as in the illustrations above is not the optimal solution. Persistent data storage is a file having a collection of bytes and is stored as data streams. All read write operations to these data steams… Read More

SQL Server Ad Hoc Queries

In this tutorial you will learn about Consuming and Manipulating Data Viz. Access and Manipulate SQL Server data – Using Ad Hoc Queries; Running Queries, The SELECT Statement, The INSERT Statement, The UPDATE Statement and The DELETE Statement. Access and Manipulate SQL Server data – Using Ad Hoc Queries Consuming and Manipulating Data Modern day enterprises deal with online transaction processing databases that need to store huge volumes of data as well as carryout database operations such as UPDATE, ADD, and DELETE or retrieve data for viewing and decision making.… Read More

.NET Data Form Wizard

In this tutorial you will learn about Using the Data Form Wizard – Building a Single-Table Data Form, Transform and Filter Data, Using Server Explorer, Drag-and-Drop From Server Explorer, What the user Can and Cannot Drag from Server Explorer, Filtering Data, Filtering With DataViews, Filtering At the Server, Transforming Data with Lookups and Master Detail. Using the Data Form Wizard Building a Single-Table Data Form Adding a single table to a form using a wizard makes for ease of application development. The following example demonstrates the building of a form… Read More

.NET Complex Data Binding

In this tutorial you will learn about Complex Data Binding, Binding to a ComboBox or ListBox, Binding to a DataGrid. Complex Data Binding Complex data binding is the ability of a control to bind to more than one data element, typically more than one record in a database, or to more than one of any other type of bindable data elements. Examples of controls that support complex binding are the DataGridView, ListBox, and ErrorProvider controls. Binding to a ComboBox or ListBox In this section let us create a complex binding… Read More

Simple Data Binding

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Simple Data Binding In Section 1 of Data Binding you will learn about definition of Data Binding Bindable Entities, The Architecture of Data Binding, Bind Data to the User Interface and Simple Data Binding Data Binding The process of binding a control to a data source is called data binding. Visual Studio 2005 includes several new features to assist in developing applications that access data. The Data Source Configuration Wizard simplifies connecting the application to data in databases, Web services, and user-created objects. The new Data Sources… Read More

.NET Assemblies

Creating and Managing .NET Assemblies Single-file and multi-file assemblies, Combining modules written in different languages, Creating a multi-file assembly, End Namespace, Static and dynamic assemblies, Private and shared assemblies, Sharing an assembly, Satellite and Resource-only assemblies, Compiling Satellite Assemblies, Compiling Satellite Assemblies With Strong Names, Obtaining the Public Key, Delay Signing an Assembly, Re-signing an Assembly, Installing a Satellite Assembly in the Global Assembly Cache, Resources in Applications, Creating and Localizing Resources and Packaging and Deploying Resources Single-file and multi-file assemblies A single-file assembly is the simplest of all the… Read More

Career Track: Computer Software Engineers

Job Description: Computer Software Engineers are responsible for a multitude of tasks that are evolving and changing as quickly as technology. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, professionals in this career are the ones that are “responsible for applying the principles and techniques of computer science, engineering and mathematical analysis to the design, development, testing and evaluation of software and the systems that enable computers to perform their many applications.” There are basically two sub categories of software engineers, which include: Computer Applications Software Engineers Computer Systems Software Engineers… Read More

Career Track: Quality Assurance (Testing)

Quality Assurance Roles and Responsibilities: Quality Assurance Professionals, also known as Quality Assurance Engineers, Testers or Specialists are responsible for testing IT systems such as software or Internet applications to ensure the technical and business requirements have been fulfilled. Primary functions include executing the actual testing, analyzing test results, and in some cases, defining the original process to manage potential bugs. Quality Assurance Professionals may be responsible for developing and implementing testing strategies and automated scripts while reviewing test designs and software tools. They may also be required to delver… Read More

VB.NET Creating and Managing Components Part 1

VB.NET Creating and Managing Components Part 1 In this tutorial you will learn about Components, Best practices in using Components, Creating Components by extending the UserControl Class, Testing the Control, Creating and implementing Events, Extending a control through Visual Inheritance and Inheriting from a UserControl. A component is a reusable piece of code in binary form. This code can be reused by inheritance. No class is being inherited. It follows that a containment relationship is defined between the application using the component and the component that is being used. This… Read More

VB.NET Creating and Managing Components Part 2

Creating and Managing Components Part 2 In Section 2 of Creating and Managing Components You will learn about Hosting a control inside Internet Explorer, HTMLAnchor Control, HTMLButton Control, HTMLGeneric Control, Creating Components by extending the Control class, Creating a custom control and Creating components by extending the Component class. Hosting a control inside Internet Explorer ASP .NET server controls are group of new controls provided by .NET. They are of different kinds. HTML Server controls, Web Server controls and Validation controls are the other types. These controls derive from System.Object… Read More

Career Track: Computer Programmer

Industry outlook for computer programmers : According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the outlook for employment for Computer Programmers is expected to grow with other industries through 2012. Positions for Applications Programmers and Systems Programmers will be abundant in consulting businesses, data processing firms and software houses. Roles and Responsibilities : The primary role of a Computer Programmer is to write programs according to the instructions determined primarily by computer software engineers and systems analysts. In a nutshell, Computer Programmers are the ones that take the completed designs and… Read More

.NET Exceptions

.NET Exceptions In this tutorial you will learn about Exceptions, Common Exceptions, Handling Exceptions – Try Block, Catch Block, Throw Statement, Finally Block, Salient points about error handling Custom Exceptions – Managing Unhandled Exception Exceptions Abnormal conditions can become obstacles in the execution of very good programs. These conditions may force the program to breakdown, or halt or just go into a limbo. The Network connection may snap or a printer may run out of paper. No programmer can foresee these problems, yet he must give the user an option to… Read More

Getting started with ASP.NET 2.0

Getting started with ASP.NET 2.0 ASP.NET 2005 is part of a whole suite of applications and user interfaces that are packed under the banner of Visual Studio.NET 2005. Code named as Whidbey, the entire package is still being tested and the final version is slotted to be released late this year. The suite includes the .NET Framework; user interfaces like Windows forms, ASP.NET and Compact framework; Official languages like C#, J# and Visual Basic.NET; Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Visual Studio.NET. Scope of the tutorial This tutorial series proposes to… Read More

VB.NET Validation Controls

VB.NET Validation Controls  In this tutorial you will learn about User Input Validation, Required Field Validators, Comparison Validators, Range Validators, Regular Expression Validator, Custom Validators, ErrorProvider, Enabling Controls Based On Input and Other Properties of Validation. User Input Validation While any application can be designed with sound logic and good technology and can deliver high performance with accuracy, some errors could still creep into it. This could be due to wrong inputs by users. While the programmer may have taken care of all the exceptions it could cause a loss of… Read More

Special Triggers in the Template Form in Oracle Apps 11i

This document provides an overview of the Special Triggers in the Template Form. The template form contains many form level triggers. These triggers are required for the proper operation of other routines. They are also aid in making the form respond to and behave properly in case of standard events. These triggers must not be deleted or to ensure the proper functioning of the form. Also, code can be added to these triggers but, the existing text must not be deleted. Figure: 3 Template Form triggers These triggers are listed… Read More

Oracle Apps Template Form

Oracle Apps 11i : Template Form in Oracle Apps 11i This document provides an overview of the template form. This form derives its importance from the fact that this form is the starting point of all development involving forms. The document highlights the importance of Template.fmb in forms development and also provides a detailed explanation of the various components of the Template form. Figure -1 Template.fmb Overview of the Template Form The TEMPLATE form is the starting point for all development of new forms. The first step in creating a… Read More

VB.NET MDI Applications

  Creating Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) Applications In this tutorial you will learn about Creating Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Applications. Creating Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) Applications In most real time applications we often find that multiple windows open within another window. This kind of need is satisfied by implementing Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Applications. You can create a class and designate it as a MDI window by setting its IsMDIContainer Property as true. Set the value for WindowState as maximized. This can be done by editing the property sheet. You will see… Read More

Working with Menu Controls

Creating Menu and Menu Items In this tutorial we will learn about Creating Menu and Menu Items – Main Menu, Context Menu, StatusBar and ToolBar. Main Menu Windows users are familiar with Menu objects. The MainMenu control represents the container for the menu structure of the form. Menus are made up of MenuItem objects that represent the individual parts of a menu. You can add submenus to menus that will pop up when the user clicks an arrow in the menu item, display check marks, create menu separators, assign shortcut… Read More

.NET Common Windows Forms Controls Part 2

.NET Common Windows Form Controls part 2 In this tutorial we will learn about Common Windows Forms Controls in Visual Basic .NET 2005. In this part 2 of this article, We will be learning the controls like Control MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker, TreeView and ListView, Timer, TrackBar and ProgressBar, HScrollBar and VScrollBar, MonthCalendar MonthCalendar is a very useful tool that has been added to the .NET Framework. Let us see how this works with an example. In a new project add a textbox and a command box to the form and… Read More

Career Track: Network Engineer

Network Engineer’s Job Description : A Network Engineer is responsible for designing and managing the LAN and WAN networks within an organization. He/she is responsible for choosing the hardware and software the organization uses as well as the introduction of new systems and equipment. The Network Engineer is also in charge of making sure that updates and maintenance are performed on the current systems. A major role would include the analysis, redesign and upkeep of the network to keep up with the changing needs of the organization. Skill sets required… Read More