Oracle XML Storage

With the growing dimensions of data requirements, the nature of Information or ‘Data’ has taken multiple folds. The ‘Organizational data’ today cannot be expected in conventional and structural form, but it mostly exists in unstructured format. The database platform also must grow parallel to facilitate the able storage and sustain the growing developments. Read More

Cross-Cultural Diversity

Culture is not just an attribute of an individual. Culture is a shared set of values, norms, attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of a group that share these similarities.  Although variations can be seen between or among different groups, it can also exist within a group. More often, we associate culture with a larger group such as a country, yet culture also exists in ethnic groups, tribes, and organizations. We often refer to them as a subculture. Dealing with a group of people from another culture or ethnicity is what we commonly… Read More

Organizational Goal Setting – Criteria and Process

A certain organization is never without goals. Organizational goals are the reason why a group or an association is able to continue its advocate. Business organizations take the primary goal of earning a profit along with expanding the business and acquiring more customers. Non-profitable organizations survive and carry on with its activities with its goals. Under each goal, a group can formulate objectives that specify what needs to be attained. Objectives must be specific, measurable, and achievable in a given period of time. The Importance of Organizational Goal Setting Apart… Read More