Oracle Apps Application Framework

Oracle Apps 11i Free Training : Application Framework: This document describes the steps of registering new application in oracle applications. It also talks about the standard directory structure within oracle application.Overview   Oracle Applications and custom applications that integrate with Oracle Applications rely on having their components arranged in a predictable structure. This includes particular directory structures where you place reports, forms, programs and other objects, as well as environment variables and application names that allow Oracle Application Object Library to find your application components. An application, such as Oracle… Read More

Differences between VB.NET 1.0 and VB.NET 2.0

VB.NET 2005 Free Training: Differences between VB.NET 1.0 and VB.NET 2.0: VB.NET 2005 comes with a number of enhancements. The IntelliSense Code snippets, the Windows Forms designer updates, IntelliSense filtering, debugger data tips, exception Assistant etc make the software a pleasure to work with. The language has been spruced up with generics, unsigned types, Operator overloading etc. The My Namespace is the most significant enhancement that provides a single reference to commonly used functionalities within the .NET framework. It includes classes like Application, Computer, Forms, Resources, Settings and Users. This… Read More

The .NET Framework Architecture Part 2

VB.NET 2005 Free Training : The .NET Framework Architecture Part 2. In this tutorial of The .NET Framework Architecture Part 2 we will learn about Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, Assemblies, native assemblies, Global Assembly Cache (GAC) and Comparison of VB.NET, C#, and J#. Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation As stated above, the Just in time compiler is a facility that is invoked by the CLR to convert the IL into machine code. The .NET framework assemblies (*.dll or *.exe) files cannot be executed by the target processor unless it is converted into native… Read More

Automated Testing Best Practices

Automated Testing Best Practices: This article explains about many topics like The Case for Automated Testing,  Why Automate the Testing Process?, Using Testing Effectively, Reducing Testing Costs, Replicating testing across different platforms, Greater Application Coverage, Results Reporting, Understanding the Testing Process, Identifying Tests Requiring Automation and Task Automation and Test Set-Up.The Case for Automated Testing Today, rigorous application testing is a critical part of virtually all software development projects. As more organizations develop mission – critical systems to support their business activities, the need is greatly increased for testing methods that support… Read More

Single Node and Multi Node Installation Part 2

Oracle Apps 11i Free Training: Single Node and Multi Node Installation Part 2. In this part 2 tutorial we will continue with the installation steps about product license types, country-specific functionality, additional languages and internationalization (NLS) settings.Step 10. Select product license type On the Suite Selection screen, the wizard prompts you to indicate the type of licensing agreement you have purchased from Oracle Applications. It then presents the appropriate licensing screen. Completing a licensing screen does not constitute a license agreement. It simply registers your products as active. Rapid Install… Read More

Single Node and Multi Node Installation Part 1

Oracle Apps 11i Free Training: Single Node and Multi Node Installation Part 1. In this part 1 tutorial we will learn how to start with the Single Node and Multi Node Installation along with step by step instructions, screen shots and Frequently asked questions.Single-node and multi node installation In a single-node installation, the database, all product directories, all servers (concurrent processing, forms, and Web) are installed on a single node under one common APPL_TOP whereas in a multi-node installation, you install both application tier and database tier servers across two… Read More

The .NET Framework Architecture Part 1

This is the first tutorial as part of the Visual Basic .NET 2005 Training. In this tutorials we will be learning about the basics of The .NET Framework Architecture, The .NET vision, Common Language Runtime (CLR), .NET Framework Class Library and Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). It’s very important to learn the basics before we actually start with the Programming. The .NET Vision The .NET framework is a software technology that is directed towards connecting information, people, systems and devices seamlessly. The high level of software integration that has been attempted… Read More

Database Checkpoints in WinRunner

Every application includes a database. The database is used to store the information. When an application is being tested, the database of that application should also be tested in order to assure that the values are entered into the database correctly.Database Checkpoints in WinRunner Every application includes a database. The database is used to store the information. When an application is being tested, the database of that application should also be tested in order to assure that the values are entered into the database correctly. In Winrunner, for checking databases,… Read More

Data Driven Tests using WinRunner

This article explains about Steps involved in creating data driven tests, Data Driver wizard features in WinRunner and adding Data to the Data Table.Data Driven Tests using WinRunner An application has to be tested with multiple sets of data. The automation test script written for one input can be used for number of inputs using data driven test in Winrunner. The test script has to be converted into the data driven test by creating a corresponding data table with the sets of data you want to test. Steps involved in creating data… Read More

Why Choose LoadRunner for Performance testing

This article start with brief introduction to Performance Testing, Why should you automate performance testing, What are the LoadRunner components, LoadRunner Terminology and Load Testing Process.Performance testing Introduction Performance Testing is the process by which software is tested and tuned with the intent of realizing the required performance. The performance testing part of performance engineering encompasses what’s commonly referred to as load, spike, and stress testing, as well as validating system performance. Performance can be classified into three main categories: • Speed — Does the application respond quickly enough for… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i – Using Rapid install and the Steps Before Apps Installation

This tutorial explains about using Rapid install to install Oracle Applications on any machine. With Rapid Install, you can perform these operations: Install a new, fully configured Oracle Applications system, including the latest certified Oracle Applications technology stack and all patches, mini-packs, family packs, and other updates available at the time of this release. Using Rapid Install Rapid install is used to install Oracle Applications on any machine. With Rapid Install, you can perform these operations: Install a new, fully configured Oracle Applications system, including the latest certified Oracle Applications… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i Installation – System Requirements

This tutorials explains about the System Requirements for Oracle Apps Installation. Please refer to Oracle Apps manuals for the specific and latest requirements for your Operating System.Oracle Apps 11i Installation – System Requirements CPU Requirements CPU requirements for running Oracle Applications depend on:  the number of concurrent users and their usage profiles the number of concurrent manager processes and the types of jobs that they are running  the load for activities other than Oracle Applications  the size of the database  desired response time Because there are different product combinations, different… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : File System

An Oracle Applications Release 11i system utilizes components from many Oracle products. These product files are stored below a number of key top-level directories on the database and application server machines. Depending on how you chose to install Applications, these product directories may be located on a single machine (the simplest case) or on multiple machines (the most common type of deployment).Oracle Applications 11i File system An Oracle Applications Release 11i system utilizes components from many Oracle products. These product files are stored below a number of key top-level directories… Read More

Testing : Introduction to CMM

Quality software should reasonably be bug-free, delivered on time and within budget. It should meet the given requirements and/or expectations, and should be maintainable.  In order to produce error free and high quality software certain standards need to be followed. Software Quality: Quality software should reasonably be bug-free, delivered on time and within budget. It should meet the given requirements and/or expectations, and should be maintainable. In order to produce error free and high quality software certain standards need to be followed. Quality Standards ISO 9001: 2000 is Quality Management… Read More

Automated Testing Advantages, Disadvantages and Guidelines

This article start with brief Introduction to Automated Testing, Different methods in Automated Testing, Benefits of Automated Testing and the guidelines that Automated testers must follow to get the benefits of automation.Advantages of Automated Testing Introduction: "Automated Testing" is automating the manual testing process currently in use. This requires that a formalized "manual testing process", currently exists in the company or organization. Automation is the use of strategies, tools and artifacts that augment or reduce the need of manual or human involvement or interaction in unskilled, repetitive or redundant tasks.… Read More

VB.NET 2005 Free Training

VB.NET 2005 Free Training We are exited to let you know that we will be starting Visual Basic .NET 2005 Training. Please find the topics below which we will be covering during the course. This training is based on the latest Visual Basic .NET 2005 version. Visual Basic .NET 2005 Training 1. .NET Framework architecture The .NET Framework Architecture Part 1 The .NET Framework Architecture Part 2 Application Class and Message Class Implementing Class Library Object Visual Studio.NET Namespaces .NET Assemblies Differences between VB.NET 1.0 and VB.NET 2.0 2. Introducing… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i: Internationalization Support and Multiple Reporting Currencies

This tutorial explains about Languages and Character Sets on the Database Tier, Languages and Character Sets on the Application Tier, Character Sets on the Desktop Tier as part of the Internationalization Support and Multiple Reporting Currencies feature in Oracle Applications 11i.Internationalization Support The Oracle E-Business Suite is designed for ease of deployment in a single global instance that meets the complex requirements of a worldwide enterprise. Strong internationalization support is essential in meeting this requirement. Key internationalization features provided by Release 11i include support for a wide variety of languages… Read More

Testing Types

This article explains about different testing types Unit Test. System Test, Integration Test, Functional Test, Performance Test, Beta Test and Acceptance Test.Introduction: The development process involves various types of testing. Each test type addresses a specific testing requirement. The most common types of testing involved in the development process are: • Unit Test. • System Test • Integration Test • Functional Test • Performance Test • Beta Test • Acceptance Test. Unit Test The first test in the development process is the unit test. The source code is normally divided… Read More

WinRunner – TSL Functions

This article explains about Types of TSL Functions like Analog functions, Context Sensitive functions, Standard functions and Customization functions.WinRunner – TSL Functions Introduction: TSL stands for “Test Scripting Language”. The test scripts are written in Test Scripting Language in winrunner. TSL is an enhanced, C-like programming language designed for testing. The advantages of TSL are:     1. It is easy to use. 2. It is similar to other programming languages. So a person who is in touch with basic concepts of programming can write test scripts easily. 3. It… Read More

Life Cycle of Testing Process

This article explains about Differant steps in Life Cycle of Testing Process. in Each phase of the development process will have a specific input and a specific output. Once the project is confirmed to start, the phases of the development of project can be divided into the following phases: Software requirements phase. Software Design Implementation Testing Maintenance In the whole development process, testing consumes highest amount of time. But most of the developers oversee that and testing phase is generally neglected. As a consequence, erroneous software is released. The testing… Read More

Best Practices in Automated Testing

This article talks about many interesting things like what’s the Case for Automated Testing, Why Automate the Testing Process?, Using Testing Effectively, Reducing Testing Costs, Replicating testing across different platforms, Greater Application Coverage, Results Reporting, Understanding the Testing Process, Typical Testing Steps, Identifying Tests Requiring Automation, Task Automation and Test Set-Up and Who Should Be Testing?.The Case for Automated Testing Today, rigorous application testing is a critical part of virtually all software development projects. As more organizations develop mission – critical systems to support their business activities, the need is… Read More

Securing ASP.NET Applications with C# Security Overview: Security is one of the most important component of any application. Security is even more important when you are making a web application which is exposed to million of users. provides classes and methods that ensure that the application is secure from outside attacks. In this article we will investigate the different types of authentication provided by Windows Authentication Windows Authentication mode provides the developer to authenticate a user based on Windows user accounts. This is the default authentication mode provided by You can… Read More

Configuring and Deploying ASP.NET Applications applications can be easily configured by using web.config files. You can store number of things in the configuration file. Let’s see some important stuff that can be stored in this file.Database Connections The most important thing to store in the web.config file is the database connection string. The reason of storing connection string in the web.config file makes sense since if later we ever want to change the location of our database we just have to change the connection string in the web.config file and thats it. This will… Read More

Oracle 10g Installation Guide on Windows 7

Oracle 10g Installation tutorial depicts step by step installation of Oracle 10g on Windows 7, 64bit (10204_vista_w2k8_x64_production_db) operating system. Installation on Windows 7 will return a operating system version compatibility error. However, there will not be any such issue during installation on older version of Windows operating system. It is important to note that this installation method is neither certified nor recommended by Oracle. If you are planning to install Oracle 10g for production purpose then please follow the Oracle specified installation guidelines and use only the correct and supported… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i : Getting started with Oracle Applications

This tutorial explains about Oracle Apps login, Choosing Responsibility, Choosing Function / Opening Form, Switch Responsibility, Query Form and Keyboard Shortcuts. This chapter would tell a user about the basics of login to the Oracle Applications instance. It would also demonstrate the basics of working with Oracle Applications. To understand the complete functionality of a particular responsibility please refer to the respective User Guide. Oracle Applications Login Before you connect to Oracle Applications you must know the URL of the Oracle Applications server you want to connect to. Clicking on… Read More

Caching in ASP.NET

This tutorial explains about The Importance of Caching, Declarative Page Output Caching, Programmatic Page Caching, Caching Page Fragments, Caching Data and Monitoring Performance. Introduction: Caching is one of the coolest features in Caching enables you to store the expensive data into Cache object and later retrieve it without doing expensive operations. A very common example where you want to use caching is datagrid paging. I am sure you all are familiar with datagrid paging which enables you to view the records in multiple pages. Each time you visit a… Read More

A Unit Ttesting Framework for the Oracle PL/SQL Language

The utPLSQL unit testing framework consists of several different elements: A set of tables to hold information about unit tests and test suites. A set of packages that allow you to run tests, build test packages and access information about tests you have run.  We learn best by following the examples of those who have gone before us. So you will find in this document sample test packages and different approaches to using utPLSQL to test your PL/SQL code like it has never been tested before! How to Build… Read More

Usability Engineering – Usability Testing

Usability Engineering, an empirical science has quite a simple definition. It studies the human interaction and cognitive behavior of an individual with respect to performing as task. It could be as simple as a driving a vehicle or using a product. Users interaction in performing a task should be in sync with the workflow of the product. Usability Engineering as a science helps in achieving this goal. Usability for a Product A Product should be usable. It means that people can use a product easily and efficiently to accomplish their… Read More

Bluetooth Technology Models and Future

This article discusses about various Bluetooth Technology Models & Application in the market and Bluetooth in Future. Bluetooth Technology Models & Applications HomeRF like Bluetooth is a specification for connectivity and mobility in a home-like environment. HomeRF Working Group has developed a specification for wireless communications in the home called the Shared Wireless Access Protocol (SWAP). The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other aviation regulatory bodies worldwide are currently reviewing the use of Bluetooth products on private and commercial aircraft. In the U.S. the FAA is the governing body to… Read More

Bluetooth Vs 802.11b Wireless LANs

This article discusses about the differences between Bluetooth and 802.11b Wireless LANs, Co-existence of Bluetooth & Wi-Fi and Advantages & Disadvantages. 1) Bluetooth has lower distance range (less than 30 feet) than 802.11b (up to 200 feet). Therefore, you would need many more access points to cover the same area of an office. Simple mathematics will show that you may need as many as 20-50 times the number of access points 2) Bluetooth has generally lower speed than that of 802.11b wireless LANs. 3) Bluetooth components (chips and radios) and device… Read More

MSAS – Browsing the Dependency Network

The predictive model of the decision tree helps users determine whether similar cases will have a similar behavior. The attributes of the tree can be examined for impact analysis by using the Dependency Network Browser. This can be opened by right clicking on a decision tree data mining model in the Analysis services explorer tree control.   The Dependency Network Browser window contains a slider on the left and a display window on the right. It contains a Close and help button at the bottom. When the slider is moved… Read More

MSAS – Building a Relational Decision Tree Model

Let us assume FoodMart wants the members with Golden Membership to be studied. It wants to focus on broadening the membership of the Gold Card. This can be done now using the Decision Tree Model. The Decision Tree model can be created from the relational data contained in the FoodMart 2000 Access database. 1. In the Analysis Manager tree pane right click the Mining model folder and select New mining model… 2. In the Wizard Welcome screen click Next to proceed. 3. In the Select the source type screen select… Read More

MSAS – Introduction to Data Mining

The process of probing into a set of information for descriptive and predictive purposes is called data mining. The purpose is to identify those trends and patterns which indicate the direction of effort to achieve desired outcomes. SQL Server 2000 and Analysis Services, has inbuilt powerful data mining capabilities including algorithms for Clustering and for Decision Trees.Before actually studying the data mining capabilities of Analysis Services, let us briefly look at some terminology generally used while discussing data mining. Understanding Terms used in Data Mining A case is the term… Read More

MSAS – Applying security to a Dimension

When roles are assigned for cubes the user has access or no access to the cube. When roles are assigned to a dimension, the user gains only partial access to parts of the cube. The simplest method of restricting access to a dimension is to prevent access to all levels except the top level of the dimension. In the Cube role dialog box all users were given complete access to the sales cube. Let us restrict the access of users by permitting them to see only values broken out by… Read More

Tutorial 65: MSAS – Managing Cube Roles

In the Analysis Manager console tree, expand the cubes folder and right click the Sales cube and click Manage roles The Cube Role Manager Dialog box appears. The dialog box shows all the users whose roles have been already assigned in the database. It also allows us to create a new role. On clicking the New button, new roles can be added to the Cube role dialog box. The create a cube role dialog box appears. Type in the name for the cube role and click Add button. The Add… Read More

MSAS – Understanding Database Roles

When a new database is created a default role is created for all OLAP Administrators to have access to the Analysis Manager. However, other users have to be given rights to access the database and its objects. Users can be given rights to Browse the cubes and objects but not to use Analysis Manager. If the user has to be given a right to use both the database objects and the Analysis Manager, specific rights have to be assigned. To assign database roles to users, right click the database and… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i: Advantages of Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle ERP Suite is based on Oracle Apps framework. What that essentially means to the customers is that no matter which component of the suite you buy, you get the same look and feel.Advantages of Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle Database The biggest USP of Oracle ERP is that it is based on Oracle Database, which in itself is a market leader. So the Oracle ERP is best placed to take advantage of the advances in the database technology. The buzzword is "If it is in the database, you will get… Read More

Oracle Apps 11i: Overview of popular ERP Products

This tutorial explains about different ERP Products and how they are being used in the industry.Oracle E- Business Suite Oracle E-Business Suite is the industry’s only complete and integrated set of enterprise applications, working together seamlessly to streamline every area of your business—from sales, service, and marketing, through financials and human resources, to supply chain and manufacturing. Oracle E-Business Suite is your fastest path to high-quality enterprise intelligence, bringing your company a true 360-degree view of your finances, your customers, and your supply chains, so you can make faster, better… Read More

Managing State with ASP.NET and C#

Web Applications are disconnected in nature which means that there is no way for the browser to know who is using the application at present time. In classic Asp programming maintaining state was a headache for the developers. They had to write alot of code to maintain state. But model provides easy state management. In this article we will see how we can persist state in multiple pages so the user is recognized by the browser.Preserving State in Web Applications There are number of ways that you can use… Read More

ERP Overview

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Overview covers What is ERP, Brief history of ERP, Why is it necessary, Market Leaders and the future of ERP. What is ERP? Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is an industry term for integrated, multi-module application software packages that are designed to serve and support multiple business functions. An ERP system can include software for manufacturing, order entry, accounts receivable and payable, general ledger, purchasing, warehousing, transportation and human resources. Evolving out of the manufacturing industry, ERP implies the use of packaged software rather than proprietary… Read More

MSAS – Securing User Authentication

The enforcement of security defined by the roles must be preceded by user authentication. When the user connects to the Analysis server, the first thing that happens is authentication. The user login is validated and the user is given access to the data on the server in accordance with the roles. If authentication is unsuccessful, he will not be able to access the data on the server. End user security can be enforced at multiple levels. The levels are as under: 1. Server level : This controls whether an end… Read More

MSAS – Introducing Analysis Services Security

Security of data is of paramount importance to most industries and organizations. All organizations want to restrict access to data hierarchically or define role based access. Analysis Services provides for this need. The number of Administrators and users having access to Analysis services data can be restricted by setting the role definitions in Analysis manager. End users who have access to data through client applications can be restricted in various ways. Security levels can be set for various objects within the database such as cubes, dimensions and cells. The Microsoft… Read More