The Role of a Commercial Artist

The Role of a Commercial Artist The job position of commercial artist is one which is varied in nature. The commercial artist works with various promotions and commercial companies to help bring their image to light. A commercial artist is one who takes the goal of a company and portrays it to the public. For those individuals who may be interested in the job position of commercial artist, the following will provide a brief overview of the general responsibilities and specific duties which a commercial artist completes in their daily… Read More

Sample Resume – Chemist Resume

Please NOTE:   Sample Resumes provided herein are meant for reading purpose only.   We have made an attempt to provide an outline sketch of generic resume contents.  These sample resumes are NOT meant to be "ready-to-use" / "copy-and-paste" material.  Phrases and contents varies according to individuals’ qualification and level of experience. These sample resumes may not suite each and every individuals’ skill-sets and talent.  The format will also vary in context with different regions of the world.  If you like to submit a sample resume format, click here.   For any suggestions… Read More

PHP Tutorials – Forms

PHP Tutorials – Forms   In the PHP Tutorial you will learn about PHP Forms – Predefined variables, Reading input from forms and Using hidden fields to save state.  Predefined variables: PHP has several predefined variables called superglobals. Superglobals are always present and available in any PHP script. The superglobals are arrays of other variables. PHP superglobals that work with forms: • $_GET contains any variables provided to a script through the GET method. • $_POST contains any variables provided to a script through the POST method. • $_FILES contains… Read More

PHP Tutorials – File manipulation (Part-2)

File manipulation (Part-2) In this PHP Tutorial you will learn the 2nd Part of File Manipulation Reading lines from a file, Reading arbitrary amounts of data from a file, Writing to a file, Creating directories, Removing a directory and Opening a directory for reading. Reading lines from a file: To read a line from an open file, you can use fgets(). fgets() requires the file resource returned from fopen() as an argument. You may also pass fgets() an integer as a second argument. The integer argument specifies the number of… Read More

Sample Resume – Computer Operator Resume

Please NOTE:   Sample Resumes provided herein are meant for reading purpose only.   We have made an attempt to provide an outline sketch of generic resume contents.  These sample resumes are NOT meant to be "ready-to-use" / "copy-and-paste" material.  Phrases and contents varies according to individuals’ qualification and level of experience. These sample resumes may not suite each and every individuals’ skill-sets and talent.  The format will also vary in context with different regions of the world.  If you like to submit a sample resume format, click here.   For any suggestions… Read More

Sample Resume – Computer Engineer Resume

Please NOTE:   Sample Resumes provided herein are meant for reading purpose only.   We have made an attempt to provide an outline sketch of generic resume contents.  These sample resumes are NOT meant to be "ready-to-use" / "copy-and-paste" material.  Phrases and contents varies according to individuals’ qualification and level of experience. These sample resumes may not suite each and every individuals’ skill-sets and talent.  The format will also vary in context with different regions of the world.  If you like to submit a sample resume format, click here.   For any suggestions… Read More

Computer Manager Career Responsibilities

Computer Manager Career Responsibilities With the technological age of today, it is no wonder that computer-related professions are highly desirable and often available to those interested in putting their computer knowledge to good work. One such profession which allows an individual to work in the computer field is that of a computer manager. There are many different types of computer managers and the job role will vary from manager to manager and job to job. The following paragraphs will provide a brief overview about the general responsibilities and specific duties… Read More

Claims Manager Career Responsibilities

The Important Role of a Claims Manager There are many different jobs and professions which one can engage in these days. From participating in the medical field to being a sales representative for a small company, one who is searching for a job has a wealth of options available to them. One such position which interests many job seekers is that of a claims manager. By looking at the general responsibilities of a claims manager and the specific duties which they undertake each and every day in their job position,… Read More

Sample Resume – Chemical Engineer Resume

Please NOTE:   Sample Resumes provided herein are meant for reading purpose only.   We have made an attempt to provide an outline sketch of generic resume contents.  These sample resumes are NOT meant to be "ready-to-use" / "copy-and-paste" material.  Phrases and contents varies according to individuals’ qualification and level of experience. These sample resumes may not suite each and every individuals’ skill-sets and talent.  The format will also vary in context with different regions of the world.  If you like to submit a sample resume format, click here.   For any suggestions… Read More

Sample Resume – Chef Resume

Please NOTE:   Sample Resumes provided herein are meant for reading purpose only.   We have made an attempt to provide an outline sketch of generic resume contents.  These sample resumes are NOT meant to be "ready-to-use" / "copy-and-paste" material.  Phrases and contents varies according to individuals’ qualification and level of experience. These sample resumes may not suite each and every individuals’ skill-sets and talent.  The format will also vary in context with different regions of the world.  If you like to submit a sample resume format, click here.   For any suggestions… Read More

Duties of a Business Analyst

Duties of a Business Analyst A business analyst has an important role to play in the business world. This individual is the one who performs a type of checks and balances for companies so that they may determine their current status as a business entity. The business analyst has many general responsibilities as well as specific duties which must be performed on a daily basis in order to complete their role to the best extent possible. What Is A Business Analyst? A business analyst is an individual who works with… Read More

Duties of a Banker

Duties of a Banker The role of a banker is one filled with multiple duties and responsibilities. Bankers come in many different forms and each one is unique in their own specific way. Some of these individuals work for large corporate conglomerates while others work for small town financial institutions. The roles and duties of each banker will vary amongst the individuals and each one has their own set agenda in their role as banker. It is important to discuss the general responsibilities and specific duties concomitant with that of… Read More

PHP Tutorials – File manipulation (Part 1)

PHP Tutorials – File manipulation (Part 1) In the PHP Tutorial You will learn about File manipulation (Part 1) – Checking file existence, A file or directory, Determining file size, Creating and deleting files and Opening a file for writing, reading, or appending. Checking file existence: You can test for the existence of a file with the file_exists() function. file_exists() takes one element, which is a string representing an absolute or relative path to a file that might or might not be there. If the file is found, file_exists() returns… Read More

PHP Tutorials – Arrays (Part 2)

PHP Tutorials – Arrays (Part 2) In this PHP Tutorial you will learn Arrays (Part 2) – Looping with foreach( ), Sorting arrays and Using Multidimensional Arrays. Looping with foreach( ): The easiest way to iterate through each element of an array is with foreach( ). The foreach( ) construct lets you run a code block once for each element in an array. Example: $fruits = array(‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’); print “<table>\n”; foreach ($fruits as $fruit) { print “<tr><td>$fruit</td></tr>\n”; } print ‘</table>’; This will print: <table> <tr><td>apple</td></tr> <tr><td>banana</td></tr> <tr><td>orange</td></tr> </table> if you want… Read More

How To Reach The Top Of Your Career

How To Reach The Top Of Your Career If you want to reach the top of your career, there are a number of qualities you will want to develop early on. Mastering these qualities will make the difference between becoming an executive or staying an employee. Even if you are currently at the bottom of the corporate latter, it is important to understand how your company operates. Even if you work in a specific department, why not talk with people who work in other departments? Talking to people in other… Read More

How To Earn More Money With Your Career

How To Earn More Money With Your Career When you work, your goal is to make money. The only time that money should not be a serious issue is when you are making enough of it to support yourself and your family. Once you get to the point that you have saved up a large amount of money, you can focus on making contributions in your career field. This is one of the reasons why people who have made enough to retire continue working. They are not in it for… Read More

HR Interview – HR Interview Mistakes You Will Want To Avoid

HR Interview Mistakes You Will Want To Avoid The job interview can be a stressful process. This is especially true for those who are going after a competitive position. Your nonverbal communication combined with the answers you give during the interview will determine if you are hired. While many articles on HR interviews will tell you the things you should do during the interview, few of them take the time to tell you what you shouldn’t do. If you want to get hired at a job, you will want to… Read More

How To Successfully Change Your Career

How To Successfully Change Your Career Many people find that they must change their careers for a variety of different reasons. Some of the reasons for career changes include layoffs or bankruptcies. Changing your career in a situation like this can be very difficult, and you may be prone to making irrational decisions. There are a few things you can do to make your career transition as painless as possible. The first thing to remember is that you should never stop learning under any circumstances. Many people get comfortable with… Read More

Software Testing Myths

Software Testing Myths Any IT professional is sure to know the different phases of the Software Development Life Cycle or SDLC, namely Feasibility Study, Requirement Analysis, Design, Construction or Coding, Testing, Implementation, Maintenance & Support – the activities carried out in each phase & their significance. But, very few agree on the importance of Software Testing phase. “Software implementation is a cozy bonfire, warm, bright, a bustle of comforting concrete activity. But beyond the flames is an immense zone of darkness. Testing is the exploration of this darkness.” – extracted… Read More

How You Can Deal With A Difficult Boss

How You Can Deal With A Difficult Boss Almost everyone has worked at a job in which they had to deal with a difficult boss. Perhaps you’re in this situation right now. Dealing with a boss who is controlling or petty can put you under a lot of stress. Your boss may even take credit for the things you’ve done, or they may be terrible at communicating with you. If you’re in this situation, you may not know where to turn, and quitting your job may not be a viable… Read More

HR Interview – How To Prepare For Your HR Interview

How To Prepare For Your HR Interview Before you begin thinking about how you are going to dress for the interview, it is important to do your research first. You should learn everything you can about the company you wish to work for. When you have detailed information about your employer, you will convey the impression of intelligence during the interview process. In addition to this, you will also be able to make a choice if the job is offered to you. However, finding information about your employer can be… Read More

HR Interview – Behavioral HR Interviews

Behavioral HR Interviews As the name implies, a behavioral interview is an interview that is held by a human resources department to determine if an applicant has the behaviors that are appropriate for a job. The company must know how an applicant will behave in a certain situations. The logic of this strategy is that if an employer can determine how you will behave in a given situation, this will allow them to decide if you are a good candidate for the position. In other words, your past performance will… Read More

Structured Query Language (SQL) – Basic Concepts

Structured Query Language (SQL) – Basic Concepts Having query about what a SQL is? It is Structured Query language. It is a non procedural language and it is a database language. Categories in SQL commands There are 3 broad categories in SQL commands. They are namely Data Definition language (DDL) Data Manipulation Language (DML) Transaction Control Commands Under each category there are many SQL commands. Let us see each in brief. Commands under Data Definition language (DDL) This category include creating, dropping and altering table commands CREATE TABLE is used… Read More

Introduction to JCL

Introduction to JCL This article provides a basic coverage on concepts of MVS/JCL .The topics covered in this article are – Introduction to Job Control language, Basic concepts of JCL, Job & Job steps, Concepts of Job Statements and Positional & Keyword parameters. JES2/JES3 It is a Batch operating environment. In batch mode we submit or send processing request (JCL) to the system and then we can do some other tasks namely, one can read a book, do some other program etc. Our processing request is put into queue along… Read More

HR Interview – Telephone Interview Etiquette

Telephone Interview Etiquette When you conduct a telephone interview for a job, it is important to show the proper etiquette. Not only is it important, it is critical is you wish to be hired by the company. There are a number of things you will want to do, and other things should never be done. When you speak to the interviewer, you should never use their first name unless they have specifically told you that it is ok. If they have not, address them by their title. To keep your… Read More

HR Interview – How To Succeed At HR Interviews

How To Succeed At HR Interviews There are a number of things you will need to do in order to make sure you pass the interview process. Your appearance is something that you will want to pay close attention to. Even if you feel that your appearance shouldn’t be a factor in whether or not you’re highered, the fact of the matter is that you will be judged on your appearance, even if you are qualified for the position. The attire that you wear to the interview should be connected… Read More

The Role of a Construction Manager

The Role of a Construction Manager Construction is an activity which goes on in almost every city and town on a daily basis. Something is constantly being built or renovated wherever we look. A construction manager is the individual who oversees such projects and ensures that they are completed as they should be. The following will highlight information relating to the job role of a construction manager and detail the importance of such a position. What Is a Construction Manager? A construction manager is the person who handles a construction… Read More

PHP Tutorials : Arrays

PHP Tutorials : Arrays In this PHP Tutorial you will learn about Array basics, Creating an array, Creating a numeric array and Finding the Size of an Array. Array basics: An array is made up of elements. Each element has a key and a value. An array holding information about the GPAs of a student has courses names for keys and GPAs for values: Course GPA Introduction to computer A Introduction to programming B+ Discrete structure B Computer organization A- An array can only have one element with a given… Read More

Group Discussion Tips

Strategies That Can Allow Your Group Discussion To Succeed Group discussions are powerful tools that can allow an organization or company to come up with powerful ideas that were not previously considered. Not only is it a powerful tool, but it is a tool that has a low cost. The members of these discussions could be people who already work for you, or it could be a group of customers who have brought large profits to your company. However, there are a number of strategies you will want to use… Read More

HR Interview – Do’s and Dont’s in a HR Interview

Do’s and Dont’s in a HR Interview There are a number of things that you will want to avoid during the HR interview process. While some of these things are directed at the interviewer, the other things are directed at the applicant. If interviewers fail to follow the proper procedures throughout the interview process, it could lead to problems with the company, and they could lose the chance to hire a qualified applicant. If you are the applicant, and you fail to do the right things during the interview, you… Read More

HR Interview – HR Interview Tips

HR Interview Tips It has become more challenging for companies to find the right employees because of the market. When you hold an interview for a potential employee, there are a number of things you will want to keep in mind. The goal of a company should be to hire an employee who can perform the duties of a particular job at a high level. The basic purpose of the interview is to find out if an applicant meets these qualifications. While you will want to ask all applicants the… Read More

PHp Tutorials : Regular expressions

Regular expressions In this PHP Tutorials you will learn about Regular Expressions viz Basic PCRE Syntax, Character classes, preg_match(), preg_match() and Extracting data with regular expressions.  Basic PCRE Syntax: A regular expression pattern is a string consisting of plain text and pattern metacharacters. The regexp metacharacters define the type and number of characters that can match part of a pattern. Character classes allow a pattern to match multiple characters simultaneously. Character classes are: d Digits 0–9 D Anything not a digit w Any alphanumeric character or an underscore (_) W… Read More

How To Get The Most Out Of Group Discussions

How To Get The Most Out Of Group Discussions Even if your group discussions are fairly successful, it is likely that you want to make them better. You may even notice that there are areas where you need to improve. There are a number of problems that could occur during group discussions, and these can stop the group from reaching a desired goal or objective. By avoiding these problems, you will have the necessary tools to push your organization towards success. In group discussions, you may find it helpful to… Read More

Resource For Succeeding In Group Discussion

Resource For Succeeding In Group Discussion A group discussion is an organized conversation that is held by a group of people. The purpose of these discussions is to allow members to present information or ideas about a particular topic. It is excellent for companies or oganizations that want to get multiple perspectives on a single topic. The views, ideas, and concepts that are presented by the members can allow the organization to make strategic decisions. There are a large number of resources that can help you succeed with group discussions.… Read More

HR Interview – HR Interview Strategies

HR Interview Strategies Job interviews can be difficult and stressful, and they are not getting easier. A number of studies have shown that companies are looking for applicants that are highly qualified and experienced. To compete in the job market, you must master the HR interview. The best way to do this is to learn the strategies which have been proven to be successful. The first thing that you will need to do is practice. It has been said that "practice makes perfect," and this is especially true when it… Read More