The Role of a Construction Manager

The Role of a Construction Manager

Construction is an activity which goes on in almost every city and town on a daily basis. Something is constantly being built or renovated wherever we look. A construction manager is the individual who oversees such projects and ensures that they are completed as they should be. The following will highlight information relating to the job role of a construction manager and detail the importance of such a position.

What Is a Construction Manager?

A construction manager is the person who handles a construction job from start to finish. This individual will have a primary hand in planning the job as well as overseeing the project along the way. The construction manager will plan, direct and budget a construction project as well as handle any issues which arise during the job.

General Responsibilities of a Construction Manager

The construction manager has some general responsibilities which correspond with the job role. They are the ones who help in the acquisition of land, the planning process, obtain permits, hire workers, keep tabs on the progress of the construction job and ensure that it is being completed in a correct manner. They are the go-to person for most of the parties involved with the entire project. The construction manager is also responsible for handling complaints or problems along the way.

Specific Duties of a Construction Manager

A construction manager is responsible for a multitude of tasks. One specific duty which a construction manager must complete is to look over a proposed project to determine what necessary jobs need to be completed prior to beginning the project. The construction manager must review the project in depth so that he/she thoroughly understands what will be needed along the way.

Once the project is reviewed by the construction manager, that individual must then aid in the procurement of land for the project site. The construction manager is an important part of this phase as they will know what type of land is necessary, the size which is required and so forth. It is important for the construction manager to be part of this acquisition.

Construction managers are also responsible for hiring and supervising workers. The construction workers will be interviewed by the construction manger, hired, disciplined and even fired by that individual should it be deemed necessary. Any problems that arise with regard to the construction workers will be brought to the attention of the construction manager who will deal with it accordingly.

Many construction managers are also given the duty of providing a budget for the construction project. The construction manager will detail the costs that will be seen as a result of the project and determine what is in the budget and what may not be. The individual must take various factors into account such as wages and materials, to name just two of the many factors one must consider.

A construction manager must also order supplies for completing the construction project. These supplies range anywhere from nails to bulldozers. It is up to the construction manager to shop around for the least expensive yet most reliable materials all the while keeping the project budget in mind.

Some construction managers will have to handle the contract end of construction projects. They will have to hire individuals to draft the relevant paperwork and ensure that the documents are signed by the right parties. This includes contracts with the subcontractors, architects and suppliers to name just a few.

An important duty of the contract manager is to manage the construction schedule in an effective and efficient manner. This is crucial as any delays in the project may cause a substantial amount of money. Therefore, the construction manager must ensure that everyone involved does their utmost to stay on schedule and should issues arise it is up to the construction manager to resolve them.

Construction managers must also inspect and review the construction project on a periodic basis to ensure compliance with safety code and building code regulations. This is vital as well since any violation could mean a delay in the project if not cancel the project altogether. Therefore, the manager must be sure to inspect as frequently and efficiently as possible.

The construction manager is the one who will supervise the project and determine that the job is being done correctly. He must review the entire project on a daily basis to ensure that the work is being done as it should be. If there appears to be any deviation from the planned construction project, it is up to the construction manager to get the project back on the right track.

Positive Traits for Construction Managers to Possess

A construction manager should possess certain traits. By having the following traits, the individual will find that their job can be better completed. One who fills the job role of construction manager should be a multitasker. Those who are able to handle multiple tasks at the same time will excel in this position. Since the specific duties of a construction manager are wide and varied, it will certainly help if one possesses good multitasking skills.

Construction managers should also have excellent problem solving skills. In construction jobs problems will arise from time to time and the individual who will have to solve such problems is most likely the construction manager. Given the fact that this individual will usually have many years of construction experience, problem solving should not be a problem for that person. However, individuals who have natural problem solving skills will find that the job role is much easier to fill in the end.

A construction manager should be timely in nature. Construction jobs are projects which almost always need to be completed in a timely manner. If the construction manager is a time-conscious individual, then he/she will be able to confidently lead the construction crew so that they finish in a timely fashion.


A construction manager wears many hats. They are a supervisor, planner and sometimes worker to boot. This is an interesting job as it requires a multitude of talents to carry out such a role. One who is a construction manager will succeed in their job if they can adequately lead their workers to complete the job correctly. By possessing traits such as multitasking abilities, timeliness and good problem solving skills, the construction manager will be able to complete their daily job tasks quickly and efficiently.

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