SOA Advantages

SOA Advantages Businesses in today’s competitive environment are constantly faced with the challenge of having to provide more with fewer resources. Businesses are constantly under pressure to deliver goods and services to the market at a faster, cheaper rate – and at higher quality than in previous times. It is predicted that investments in Information Technology are going to drive businesses forward – not merely in terms of gaining responsiveness and efficiencies, but additionally in the creation of top line opportunities. It is an ironic fact that the vast majority… Read More

Using NLP for Leadership Skills

Using NLP for Leadership Skills Introduction Technical programmers and software developers of today are business leaders and managers of tomorrow. They need to be groomed in leadership and management skills so that they can take on higher positions and manage their own teams. Technical professionals need to exhibit leadership qualities in their day-to-day interactions, which will form the basis for their future promotions. Therefore, it is imperative to recognize and enhance these qualities, which become the lifeblood of the future leader. Leadership qualities are a mix of inherent characteristics as… Read More

JavaScript Document Object

JavaScript Document Object In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about document object – part of JavaScript window object,  properties and windows of document object, alinkColor, anchors, applets, bgColor, cookie, domain, embeds and fgColor. The Document object is part of the Window object. The document object is used to access all elements in a page. The document object provides access to the elements in an HTML page from within the script. General syntax of document object: window.document There are many properties and methods available for the document object. Some of these… Read More

JavaScript Array Operations

JavaScript Array Operations In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about different operations with array in JavaScript, how to use the for…in statement, Combining Operations between arrays and within elements of an array, joining two or more arrays and joining elements of an arrays along with syntax and example scripts.for…in statement: The for…in statement is used for looping through the elements of the array. The general structure of the statement in JavaScript is as follows: for (variablename in arrayname) { ………… …………     //Block of Code to be executed }… Read More

Using NLP for continuous learning

Using NLP for continuous learning Introduction Technical professionals of today are expected to omniscient. Not only do they have to proficient in their own field, but also in several other domains including inter personal skills, communication and presentation skills. They have to build on their leadership and management skills in order to grow within the organization. Some professionals find it difficult to cope with this increasing demand on knowledge and skills. Others fail to understand the importance of gaining knowledge and are stuck in reverse gear. Organizations often provide training… Read More

Client-Server Trends for 2007

Client-Server Trends for 2007 The Connection Between Computers and Network Applications Client-server technology describes the relationship between computers and programs on a network. For the purposes of this article, unless otherwise specified, clients and servers will refer to programs and it is important to remember that these programs can function partially during a request. In traditional client-server technology, a client initiates a request from a server. The server processes the request and delivers the response to the client. This process can take place within a single machine that contains both… Read More

JavaScript Iterative Structures – Part I

JavaScript Iterative Structures – Part I In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript Iterative Structures, for loop, statement, break and continue explained along with syntax and examples. Iterative Structures are used to execute a certain piece of code a specified number of times or until the condition mentioned remains true. The Iterative structures are also termed “looping” in programming terminology. Iterative Structure is an important part of programming terminology. When a programmer wants to repeat the same code a number of times, he or she does not… Read More

XML and Service Oriented Architecture

XML and Service Oriented Architecture SOA or service oriented architecture is a procedure carried out to attain coupling between the loose elements in software agents. Service oriented architecture has to be treated like an environment rather than a procedure or programs because it is literally present everywhere. SOA or the service oriented architecture is different from object oriented program in its belief that data and its processing should be bound together and they should go together. The difference here is in object oriented programming the data comes with its own… Read More

Using NLP for Team Building

Using NLP for Team Building Introduction Modern day professionals do not operate alone, but are now part of a bigger, better and competitive team. The quality of their work is not only based on their individual efforts, but also on their interaction with the team members. Present day targets are achieved as a team, with success or failure shared by the whole team. It is therefore important for today’s technical programmer or software developer to be a good team member in addition to being an expert in technical skills. Neuro-linguistic… Read More

XML SQL Server

XML SQL Server The Extensible Markup Language was introduced in the SQL server because of the clause to SELECT. Now XML has been well integrated into the Microsoft SQL server in the Relational Database Management System or the RDBMS which can help create futuristic web programs and databases. Why introduce XML into a SQL server? A business to business portal or B2B, business to consumer portal or B2C, or Intrabusiness networks need to exchange a lot of information and this exchange of information can be easily enabled with the help… Read More

NLP Metaphors

NLP Metaphors Introduction A metaphor is a representation used for explaining a concept in terms of some other concept. Usually it helps us understand something that is not commonly known in terms of something that we are familiar with. A metaphor is therefore a denotation in terms of some other item. For example, when we say, “Her face was as pink as a rose”, it indicates how rosy her face looked. Since we know how a rose looks, we can relate to it and better understand the nature of the… Read More

XML Security

XML Security Documents can be secured using XML now. When data is released to the web it becomes free for all and is available everywhere and it is literally omnipresent. How do you secure and safeguard something which is so widely spread. Security issues for XML documents has now reached climax because XML documents can be secured using XML security. XML secures the documents in two ways; one is the ML signature and the other XML encryption. XML Encryption In the World Wide Web security is taken care of by… Read More

Client-Server Security

Client-Server Security Why Client Server Environments are so Popular Client-server environments are popular because they increase application processing efficiency while reducing costs and gaining the maximum benefit from all resources working together. These benefits are gained by splitting processing between the client machine/software and server machine/software. Each process works independently but in cooperation and compatibility with other machines and applications (or pieces of applications). All independent processing must be performed to complete the requested service. Cooperation of application processing produces another client-server advantage, it reduces network traffic. Since each node… Read More

NLP Language Hierarchy and Thinking Continuum

NLP Language Hierarchy and Thinking Continuum Introduction We use words as tools for putting forth our ideas, explaining concepts or expressing feelings and emotions. The words we use can be extremely specific in nature or most general, or can be in the continuum in between. Neuro-linguistic Programming defines the Meta model, where precise, detailed language is used to convey information. In contrast, the Milton model of Neuro-linguistic Programming is ‘artfully vague’ and uses more broader terms to interpret the internal map. However, in our daily lives, our language is not… Read More

XML Remote Calling Procedure

XML Remote Calling Procedure XML RPC or the XML Remote Calling Procedure is a set of compilations and implementations which allow certain programs to run on complex platforms or operating systems and allows them to make Remote Procedure calls on the Internet. The Remote Procedure Calling Protocol uses HTTP as a transport and uses XML for encoding. XML RPC allows complex data structures to be processed and transmitted or returned and it is very simple to be operated on the Internet. The set of XML RPC implementations is spread over… Read More

Client-Server Technology : Thin Clients

Client-Server Technology : Thin Clients The Role of Client Computers In client-server technology, a client computer uses its software programs to make requests from server computers over a network. The server computers then process the request and handle delivery back to the client. However, the server may turn into a client if it formulates a service request to forward to another server, say, a database server. Clients and servers connected on a network are also referred to as nodes. Clients can send requests to more than one server. The most… Read More

JavaScript Array Object Methods – Part II

JavaScript Array Object Methods – Part II In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about on array object methods – slice(), splice() toString(), shift() and unshift() methods along with general syntax and examples. slice(): By using the methods of the array object the programmer is able to retrieve the first and the last elements in an array object. Suppose a programmer wishes to retrieve selected elements from an existing array. This can be performed by using the slice() method of the array object. The slice method creates a new array… Read More

JavaScript Array Object Methods – Part I

JavaScript Array Object Methods – Part I In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about Array Object Methods – concat(), join(), pop(), push() and reverse() methods along with general syntax and examples. concat() The concat() method is used to join two or more Array objects together to produce a new one. In the concat() method, the original Array objects are unaffected by this method and only a copy of the new concatenated array is returned. General syntax of the concat() method of the Array object of JavaScript: arrayObject.concat(arrayname1,arrayname2,……,arraynamen) An example to… Read More

NLP E-Prime Technique

NLP E-Prime Technique Introduction Neuro-linguistic Programming places great deal of importance on non-verbal communication and body language. However, our language also plays a significant role in effective communication. It embodies not just the vocabulary we use in our dialect, which is around seven percent of the communication, but also the language we use in our brain. Every word we use has an impact on the communication and individual words can carry deep meanings. Often we find that the meaning behind a word is different for different people. This is because… Read More

XML Processing

XML Processing XML documents process is explained by a huge set of specifications and the list of these specifications is growing endlessly. A lot of applications depend on these specifications to work with XML or extensive markup language. These specifications will have all the requirements listed for XML processing model and even the XML language specifications. These specifications are more at the conceptual level and contain descriptions about the language based interactions. The XML documents are treated as a set of information modules and the specifications contains processes which construct… Read More

NLP Neurological Levels

NLP Neurological Levels Introduction Neuro-linguistic Programming deals with bringing about personal change. This change is not just in outward behavior, but our underlying aspects as well. The change can be in our values, beliefs and unconscious parts of the self that we might not be consciously aware of. Our inner representations determine our behavior and affect us at several different levels. An actual change can only occur after the change is conceived and imagined in the person’s mind. When the different levels of thinking are in congruence with each other,… Read More

.NET Client-Server Technology

.NET Client-Server Technology Decentralized Applications Client-server technology developed as applications were decentralized from PCs and mainframe computers. Desktop computers were connected through a network or LANs (Local Area Networks) and WANs (Wide Area Networks). In this equation, ‘clients’ are the machines or programs that request services from another machine or server on the network. The server is linked to databases or the Web and performs the processing of the request and the delivery of the response. The client provides the interface with which users communicate and make requests. The server… Read More

XML Parsing

XML Parsing XML documents can be parsed efficiently and more critically because XML is a widely accepted language. It is extremely crucial to programming for the web that XML data be parsed efficiently, especially in cases a where the applications that are required to handle huge volumes of data. When parsing is improper it can increase memory usage and time for processing which directly affects the scalability by decreasing it. There are many XML parsers that are available. Choosing a right one for your situation might be challenging. There are… Read More

NLP Setting and Achieving Goals

NLP Setting and Achieving Goals Introduction Many people are unable to accomplish anything in their life due to a lack of clear goals. On the other hand, there are people who set daily, weekly and monthly goals, and get outstanding results. Success is achieved due to their clear focus on measurable targets. We can reflect back on our successes and failures in life, and try to understand how clear and positive goals attributed to the desirable results. Goals are an important aspect of the human experience, and we can describe… Read More

Supply Chain Management Degree Programs

Supply Chain Management Degree Programs What a Supply Chain Manager Does Every business must have supplies and materials in order to run a successful operation. Supply chain managers are employed to ensure that needed suppliers are always available to employees. The job entails dealing with suppliers, meeting with business executives in order to make important contractual decisions, as well as predicting what the company’s needs shall be in the future. Indeed, a good supply chain manager is also a good negotiator in that he or she should be able to… Read More

XML Web Services

XML Web Services One of the main reasons the web succeeded today is it simplicity due to which it can be omnipresent. Web services are the new generation we applications. They are self starting applications that run on their own platforms and are accessible on the web easily. Web services architecture is very simple to understand and is divided into tiers. What is a web service platform? A basic web service platform is XML or Extensible Markup Language. XML or the Extensible Markup language is a meta-language which allows you… Read More

NLP Presuppositions

NLP Presuppositions Introduction Neuro-linguistic Programming developers and community consider NLP as a model and not theory. This is because while a theory provides explanation on why a system works, Neuro-linguistic Programming does not do this. A model is a simple step-by-step description on how to use the model. That does not indicate that NLP has no theoretical underpinnings. NLP simply does not try to defend or validate these theories. Neuro-linguistic Programming assumes a certain set of ideology and declares the presuppositions used. The primary presuppositions of Neuro-linguistic Programming were formulated… Read More

Supply Chain : Problems with Radio Frequency Identification

Supply Chain : Problems with Radio Frequency Identification Introduction The concept of Radio Frequency Identification was first developed in the 1950s as part of the Toyota Production System. Over the years, Radio Frequency Identification has evolved to the extent that nearly all sophisticated supply chain management experts tend to employ it. As in all fields and all forms of technology, supply chain managers working with Radio Frequency Identification are constantly working to improve it. It is thought that soon, adopting sensor based Radio Frequency Identification technology will allow for the… Read More

NLP Subjectivity Structure

NLP Subjectivity Structure Introduction Neuro-linguistic Programming consists of three essential and vital components that form an experience. They are neurology, language and programming. Neuro-linguistic Programming therefore provides a description for the dynamics between the mind and the body and how the two interact as a system to generate our Neuro-linguistic model of the world. Neurology describes the fundamental concept of formation of a state through the body, and how the states determine the consequent behavior. Linguistics tells us how we represent the external world within ourselves inside the mind-body using different… Read More

Unix Client Server Technology

Unix Client Server Technology Understanding the Role of Unix When discussing client-server technology it is important to understand UNIX, one of the first, primary building blocks for network possibilities that continues its influence today. UNIX is an operating system designed for multi-tasking by multiple users. This description alone suggests the exponential increase in work productivity by networking through UNIX. Operating systems (OSs) are computers’ central program. Every computer has one. At their most general, operating systems help perform basic computational functions, such as recognizing keyboard input and sending output to… Read More

XML Disadvantages

XML Disadvantages The extensive markup language is the way to go for developing future web applications, and it almost defines the future of web development. There are no doubts about its performance in this arena. However, XML also has some draw backs which need to be looked at and improved upon. The reason it faces some resistance from users is a result of these drawbacks. One of the biggest drawbacks of XML is that it is lacking in the area of adequate applications for processing. Lack of Applications Processing XML… Read More

NLP Anchoring

NLP Anchoring Introduction Neuro-linguistic Programming defines anchoring as an internal or external representation that will trigger another representation. It relies on the Stimulus-Response concept, where a particular stimulus will elicit a memory, behavior or feeling. The Neuro-linguistic Programming cofounders Bandler and Grinder found a practical application for classical conditioned responses by using the anchor or the triggering stimulus to move experiences around in time and space. Human beings generate different internal and external responses in terms of states, behaviors, thoughts and feelings in accordance to a particular stimulus. Some of… Read More

Supply Chain Management : Enterprise Resource Planning

Supply Chain Management : Enterprise Resource Planning The goal of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems is the successful integration of a company’s data and processes in to a single unified system. Usually, several components of computer software and hardware are employed in order to realize this goal. A unified database must be employed in order to store data for the various modules of the system. History of Enterprise Resource Planning Originally, the term “enterprise resource planning” was employed to designated systems used by enterprise wide resources. It was originally used… Read More

SOA 2.0 Event Driven Architecture

SOA 2.0 Event Driven Architecture There has been much negative press in recent years in regards to Oracle’s touting of SOA 2.0 as the next generation version of SOA. Its combination of Event Driven Architecture with SOA considers the first iteration of SOA to be a mere client-server drive. Despite the fact that it has been presented as a new term, a lot of critics claim that what this merger actually is an advanced SOA, rather than a 2.0 version. The truth is that a lot of pure play middleware… Read More

Client Server : Object Request Brokers

Client Server : Object Request Brokers The Importance of Middleware Middleware is the connective layer in client-server models. The multi-vendor software is compiled by designers to enable services that allow multiple machines to process multiple requests and interact across a network. It also allows communication across platforms. It is like a translation layer that liberates the client-server model by allowing it to communicate more freely across platforms and networks in standardized languages comprehensible across software or hardware differences. Middleware provides a more effective API (Application Programming Interface) than operating systems… Read More

NLP Satir Categories

NLP Satir Categories Introduction Virginia Satir is one of the world’s first family therapists, and developed several techniques that were used cofounders Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the model for Neuro-linguistic programming. After her death in 1980, many of her disciples across various countries continued to use these techniques to heal dysfunctional families. Satir developed five categories, now known as Satir categories for handling different language behaviors. Neuro-linguistic Programming adopts these categories for enabling better communication between individuals. The five Satir patterns, also incorporated in Neuro-linguistic programming, are Blamer,… Read More

XML Advantages

XML Advantages There are many advantages to using XML for information exchange, and they offer many benefits to the user. The Extensive Markup Language uses human language, which is conversable and not the language used by computers which is binary and ASCII coded. XML is readable by even people who have had no formal introduction to XML or have been coached on it. It is as easy as HTML. XML is fully compatible with applications like JAVA, and it can be combined with any application which is capable of processing… Read More

Supply Chain Management : Quality Control in Industrial Engineering

Supply Chain : Quality Control in Industrial Engineering When it comes to the industrial engineering aspect of supply chain management, quality control and quality assurance are two duties that must be undertaken. The former refers to the process whereby measures are taken to make sure defective products and services are not produced, and that the product design meets the quality standards set out at the outset of the project. The latter, quality assurance, entails overlooking all aspects, including design, production, development, service, installation, as well as documentation. Quality control is… Read More

Server Side Scripting

Client Side Programming In web applications, client-side programming is usually written in HTML meanwhile the application servers, the middle tier in three-tier client/server architecture, are usually written in C++ or Java. By using a scripting language embedded in HTML, web servers act as translation layers that allow for communication between the client and server layers. Application servers perform the in-house work of analyzing site traffic and creating personalized pages based on dynamic data such as user history and behavior on previous visits to web sites. By combining business logic, computation… Read More

NLP Strategy Model

NLP Strategy Model Introduction The events that have happened to us in the past cannot be changed, but we can control their internal representation of the memory. By changing the internal representation of the memory, we can change our emotions and feelings about the event. This in turn will change our reaction in case a similar event happens again. Thus, we can be in more control of our feelings and begin to take charge of our own life rather than living and being depressed about the past. As described in… Read More

JavaScript Window Object Open Method Part 2

JavaScript Window Object Open Method Part 2 In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript Window Object Open Method, features of window object open method – scrollbars, status, titlebar, toolbar, top, width, innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight, outerWidth and hotkeys scrollbars: Syntax: scrollbars=yes|no|1|0 The scrollbar feature denotes whether or not the scroll bars should be displayed. The default value of the scrollbars feature is YES, displaying the scroll bars. If the value of the scrollbars feature is set to NO by the user, then the scroll bars are not displayed. status:… Read More

JavaScript Window Object Open Method

JavaScript Window Object Open Method In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript Window Object Open Method, features of window object open method – channelmode, directories, dependent, fullscreen, screenX, screenY, height, left, location, menubar, resizable, alwaysLowered, alwaysRaised channelmode: Syntax: channelmode=yes|no|1|0 The channelmode is used to denote whether the user wants to display the window in theater mode or not. The default setting of this feature is NO. The user can set channelmode value to YES which would then display the window in theater mode. This is a very important… Read More

JavaScript Location Object

JavaScript Location Object In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript Location Object – assign(), reload(), replace(), JavaScript Window Object Methods viz alert(), blur(), setInterval() and clearInterval().Methods of Location Object assign(): The assign method of location object is used for loading a new document. General syntax of assign method of location Object: location.assign(URL) for example   <html>    <head>       <script type="text/javascript">          function test()          {           window.location.assign("")          }       </script>    </head>      <body>        <input type="button" value="Click Here For Loading New Document" onclick="test()" />   … Read More

Service Oriented Architecture : Why SOA?

Service Oriented Architecture : Why SOA? The vast majority of businesses working in the field of Information Technology in this day and age find themselves having to justify their projects with a return on their investments. This puts Information Technology, as a field, under an enormous amount of pressure. IT must boast requirements that are increasingly responsive and flexible to the shifting needs of different businesses. Firms dealing with Information Technology must also be able to face the challenge of taking on an array of software systems that may or… Read More

Client-Server Computing : Butler Model

Client-Server Computing : Butler Model How to Use Client Servers in the Business Environment This article will discuss the Butler pyramid model of client-server computing in an attempt to provide a metaphor for understanding the most effective way of using client-server resources in a business environment. This five-layered model is also known as the Butler Group VAL (Value Added Layers) Model. I will describe each of the layers and their function in an integrated client-server architecture. To expand this discussion on architecture, we will describe the four main client-server application… Read More

Supply Chain Management : Industrial Engineering

Supply Chain Management : Industrial Engineering The area of engineering that deals with developing, improving, implementing, and evaluating integrated systems that involve finances, information, knowledge, individuals, energy, processes, materials, and equipment is called industrial engineering. Those working in this field must draw upon the precepts of engineering synthesis and analysis, while also having a firm grounding in the social sciences, math, and the physical sciences. Using this wide breadth of knowledge, industrial engineers are able to specify, predict, and evaluate what the results to be attained from such systems shall… Read More

NLP Submodalities

NLP Submodalities Introduction Often we use metaphorical sayings in our language, which can provide insight into our minds. A statement such as “I can hear him loud and clear” might be ignored by a common person, but a person trained in Neuro-linguistic Programming will understand its inherent meaning. Such metaphors are a literal description of the person’s internal representation. The concept of Neuro-linguistic Programming submodalities tells us how the brain and nervous system functions operate, and how the mind programs our behavior, feelings and abilities. As per Neuro-linguistic courses, there… Read More

SOA 2.0 Introduction

Service Oriented Architecture : SOA 2.0 Introduction Conceptualizing Service Oriented Architecture Let us take a look at some of the key features of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The best way to go about doing this is to break SOA down in to its core verbal elements. We’ll start with the last letter first: A. We will first examine architecture in reference to SOA. Usually, in the realm of software, architecture tends to define the overall intercommunication of different high-level components. To put it simply, this is how a solution is… Read More

UML Certifications

UML Certifications Introduction There are a number of career fields today that will require you to become certified. While it is common knowledge that doctors, lawyers, and teachers must receive certifications, computer professionals must receive certifications as well. This includes certification in the proficiency of a programming language. If a potential employer wants to determine your skill with a specific programming language, you may be required to take a test. Due to the rapid rising popularity of the Unified Modeling Language, many developers are taking courses in this field, and… Read More

Supply Chain Management : Distribution

Supply Chain Management : Distribution Alongside product management, promotion, and pricing, distribution is one of the four key components of marketing. In simple terms, distribution provides an inlay between the producer of a product and the seller of that product. After a product is made, it is usually then sold to a distributor, who in turn will sell the product either directly to customers, or to retailers who will in turn sell it to customers. What is Distribution? Throughout history, distribution has been related to questions in the field of… Read More