Building Better Supply Chain

Building Better Supply Chain In order for your company to remain relevant in today’s marketplace, it is essential to continually look to evolve your supply chain process. Companies that prosper and minimize their costs while maximizing their profits and keeping customers happy realize that this habit of continual supply chain evolution relies on well thought out and well applied redesign efforts. And this redesign is accomplished by using computer systems to perform detailed analysis and perform more efficient supply chain planning. In this article, you’ll learn what some of these… Read More

Working with XML in Flash

Working with XML in Flash To integrate an XML document with Flash, we need an XML document that works with Flash, one that can set up the visual movements of the action movie and define the script that will be used for the code of the action movie. How do We Integrate XML and Macromedia Flash? IMEX stands for Imaginary Macromedia Exchange, and IMEX is also a client server application. There has to be a protocol to interact between the client and the server. The protocol must also be designed… Read More

Working with XML in Oracle

Working with XML in Oracle Introduction to XML Extensive markup language is the language which presents data in a human readable form of text. The data can be anything from a purchase order or a stock quote or weather radar or a flight schedule it can be represented using XML. XML is very similar to HTML in its functionalities because even XML uses the open tag and the close tag. But the difference between the both is that the HTML has a set of fixed tags and you have to… Read More

Why your Supply Chain Costs are too High

Why your Supply Chain Costs are too High If you ask most business owners if reducing their costs is important, they won’t hesitate to answer, “Why, yes, of course!” But, when it comes to reducing their supply chain costs, many of these same business owners have no clue what to do, or even where to begin. In this article you’ll learn why your supply chain represents a unique cost-reduction challenge, and what you can do to improve these costs so that your bottom line meets your objectives. Reason 1: Nobody… Read More

NLP Well Formed Outcome Model

NLP Well Formed Outcome Model Introduction In modern days goal setting has become important for achieving success. The concept of SMART goals is developed, where SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable and assignable, realistic and rewarding, time-able and tangible. In spite of the importance given on goal setting only a few people manage to derive any clear benefits from the activity. The Neuro-linguistic Programming model goes beyond the concept of goal setting by using desired outcome development. Goal is a general term, whereas outcome is highly specific. An outcome signifies… Read More

Working with XML in Visual Basic

Working with XML in Visual Basic Extensive markup language and Visual Basic is the odd couple of the industry. Visual Basic is one of the most common languages that are being used today. This Microsoft introduced language was meant to be middle tier in characteristic but has managed to get the top tier position when it comes to programming, developing client and server applications. This is mainly because it is quick and easy and doesn’t need thousands of lines of codes to be written. The relationship between VB, DOM and… Read More

C++ Manipulators

In this C++ tutorial, you will learn what a manipulator is, endl manipulator, setw manipulator, setfill manipulator and setprecision manipulator are all explained along with syntax and examples. What is a Manipulator? Manipulators are operators used in C++ for formatting output. The data is manipulated by the programmer’s choice of display. There are numerous manipulators available in C++. Some of the more commonly used manipulators are provided here below: endl Manipulator: This manipulator has the same functionality as the ‘n’ newline character. For example: cout << "Exforsys" << endl; cout… Read More

C++ Operators Part II

In this C++ tutorial, you will learn about logical operators, && operator, || operator, conditional operator, comma operator, bitwise operator and sizeof() operator. Logical Operators The logical operators used are: !, &&, || The operator ! is called NOT operator. This has a single operand which reverses its value. Logical Operators !true gives the value of false !false gives the value of true The operator && corresponds with Boolean logical operation AND. This operator returns the value of true only if both its operands are true or else it returns… Read More

Client-Server Models and N-Tier Applications

One of principal objective of Client-Server methods is to provide data to an end user. However, Client-Server architectural methodologies are much more complex. Client-Server describes the process wherein a client program generates contact with a separate server for a particular reason on a networked system. The client, in these cases, is the requester for a service that the server will theoretically provide. In the course of the past two decades, we have witnessed the evolution of large scale, complex information systems. During this period, Client-Server computing models have come to… Read More

Using XML with Microsoft Excel

Using XML with Microsoft Excel One of the most useful features for a programmer would be Microsoft Excel’s capability to support XML schemas which are user defined. Though it is not a very prominent feature which can be obviously noted it still exists and is very functional tool. In simple English it means that you can add, and modify XML data in an Excel workbook. Excel has an inbuilt feature to process the data for you. You can perform various functions using the Microsoft excel workbook.  You can view the… Read More


XML Spy XML Spy XML is a widely spread and accepted software and has a wide support on the Internet simply because it is flexible, dynamic, user friendly, interoperable and flexible. XML today plays a pivotal role in software development and is associated with most of the programs being use today. XML spy is an extremely powerful tool associated with the XML software and allows you to create business critical software’s and also gels with XML view and the options that suit your business needs. XML Spy offers intelligent editing… Read More

C++ Operators Part I

In this C++ tutorial, you will learn about operators, the assignment operator, arithmetic operators, compound assignment operators, increment and decrement operator, the functionality of prefix and postfix operators, relational and equality operators. The operators available in C++ programming language are: Assignment Operator denoted by = Arithmetic operators denoted by +, -, *, /, % Compound assignment Operators denoted by +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, >>=, =, = Greater than or equal to Read More

C++ Standard Input Output Stream

In this C++ tutorial, you will learn about standard input stream and standard output stream explained along with syntax and examples. It is C++ programming language uses the concept of streams to perform input and output operations using the keyboard and to display information on the monitor of the computer. What is a Stream? A stream is the source or destination of a series of data, either characters, or in the case of binary files, a sequence of bytes that represent memory content. The standard input and output stream objects… Read More

Ajax and Web Applications

Ajax and Web Applications Client Server Technology and Web Applications There is a gap in user experience between desktop applications and web applications. Desktop applications run on a single computer, while web applications run on the Internet. Since the invention of the Web, developers have been trying to design web applications that demonstrate the speed and interactivity of applications running on the client machine of a LAN (Local Area Network). Despite the explosion of web based applications in the 1990’s (and continuing today), many users still prefer desktop applications. Like… Read More

Java and Client Server Models

Java and Client Server Models The Role of Client Servers on the Web Client server models provide the essential mechanisms for working with the Internet. In fact, most of the World Wide Web is built according to this paradigm. In client server models the web browsers run by millions of users are the clients. On the other side of the equation, are the web hosting systems that run at host sites and provide access to processes and data requested by the client. In this case, these hosting systems are the… Read More

How to Access C++ Class Members

In this C++ tutorial, you will learn how to access Class members, dot operator or class member access operator, difference between struct and class and scope resolution operator. It is possible to access the class members after a class is defined and objects are created. General syntax to access class member: Object_name.function_name (arguments); The dot ('. ') used above is called the dot operator or class member access operator. The dot operator is used to connect the object and the member function. This concept is similar to that of accessing… Read More

Web Services and Client Server Technology

Web Services and Client Server Technology Introduction to Distributed Computing The Internet and expanded network connectivity established client-sever models as the preferred form of distributed computing. When talking about Client-Server models of networked communication using web services the broadest components of this paradigm become the web browser (functioning as the client) and web server. So by introducing web services into the equation, client/server models become browser/server models. These models are Server-Centric, which make applications easy to load and install, but reduces rich user interaction. Server-Centric applications are currently available from… Read More

Object-Oriented Client-Server Internet

Object-Oriented Client-Server Internet OCSI Environments as IT Infrastructure Client Server Basics Object-Oriented Client-Server Internet (OCSI) environments provide the IT infrastructure for supporting OCSI applications. For our purposes, infrastructure refers to operating systems, networks, middleware, and hardware. OCSI are distributed applications with three core technologies: Client-Server, in which parts of the application behave as clients (or service consumers) and others behave as servers (or service providers); object-oriented programming, which allows applications to be easily created, modified, reused and; the Internet, which provides access to application components, like business logic or databases,… Read More

C++ Structure Part II

In this C++ tutorial, Structures Part II, you will learn how to use structure in an efficient way, and features of structures explained with examples. Structure Members Initialization: As with arrays and variables, structure members can also be initialized. This is performed by enclosing the values to be initialized inside the braces { and } after the structure variable name while it is defined. For Example: #include <iostream>using namespace std;struct Customer{ int custnum; int salary; float commission;}; void main( ){ Customer cust1={100,2000,35.5}; Customer cust2; cust2=cust1; cout << "n Customer Number: "<<… Read More

C++ Structure

In this C++ tutorial, you will learn about Structures, declaring a Structure, how to declare Structure Variable and how to access the structure members in C++. What is a Structure? A structure is a collection of variables under a single name. Variables can be of any type: int, float, char etc. The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are collections of the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name. How to declare and create a Structure Declaring a Structure: The… Read More

C++ Inheritance

What is Inheritance? Inheritance is the process by which new classes called derived classes are created from existing classes called base classes. The derived classes have all the features of the base class and the programmer can choose to add new features specific to the newly created derived class. For example, a programmer can create a base class named fruit and define derived classes as mango, orange, banana, etc. Each of these derived classes, (mango, orange, banana, etc.) has all the features of the base class (fruit) with additional attributes… Read More

SCOR Model Process

SCOR Model Process The Supply Chain Operations Reference Model, commonly known as SCOR, is a diagnostic tool for the Supply Chain Management. It lets the users know the various processes involved in a business and the important things that lead to customer satisfaction. The Supply Chain Operations reference model has been developed by the SCC, or the Supply Chain Council. The SCOR Model is based on three very important factors. Another note to the reader here is that there are many theories written about the Supply Chain Management functionality, and… Read More

SCOR Model

SCOR Model The SCOR Model, also referred to as the Supply Chain Operations Reference model, is a type of tutorial used to improve your knowledge and usage of the Supply Chain Management system. It is more of a management tool. The Supply Chain Management Council has designed the SCOR Model in collaboration with other distributors, manufacturers, suppliers and logistics service providers, and therefore the model is best suited for people in this category of business. The SCOR Model compares itself with the best practices in the industry and constantly improvises… Read More

C++ Polymorphism

Introduction Polymorphism is the ability to use an operator or method in different ways. Polymorphism gives different meanings or functions to the operators or methods. Poly, referring to many, signifies the many uses of these operators and methods. A single method usage or an operator functioning in many ways can be called polymorphism. Polymorphism refers to codes, operations or objects that behave differently in different contexts. Below is a simple example of the above concept of polymorphism: 6 + 10 The above refers to integer addition. The same + operator… Read More

C++ Encapsulation

Introduction Encapsulation is the process of combining data and functions into a single unit called class. Using the method of encapsulation, the programmer cannot directly access the data. Data is only accessible through the functions existing inside the class. Data encapsulation led to the important concept of data hiding. Data hiding is the implementation details of a class that are hidden from the user. The concept of restricted access led programmers to write specialized functions or methods for performing the operations on hidden members of the class. Attention must be… Read More

N-Tier Client-Server Architecture

This article will discuss the various architectures of Client-Server environments. Perhaps the most influential Client-Server environment is the Internet and its global users. With the increasing use of web applications, an examination of the best architecture to support web applications is timely. The architectural component of this discussion will focus on the underlying structures and schematics that best build web applications. Specifically, we will be discussing tier architecture, which is the breaking down of an application into logical chunks that are called Tiers. Tiers can exist on the same computer… Read More

Peer-to-Peer and Client-Queue-Client Architecture

Peer-to-Peer and Client-Queue-Client Architecture Client-Server Architecture Compared with Peer-to-Peer and Client-Queue-Client Architecture Client-Server Architecture Client-Server Architecture, which is the model for Internet communication, separates client programs/machines from server programs/machines. These endpoints communicate through a network and are also known as called nodes, which are any device connected by a network. The clients send requests to the server every time it is instantiated. Client instances occur when an object or individual unit of runtime data storage is called into action from its abstracted class. It is the instances that perform the… Read More

Three Tier Software Architectures

In this tutorial, you will learn about three tire software architectures, purpose, history, technical details, three tier architecture usage considerations, maturity, costs and alternatives.  The concept of Three Tier and multi tier architectures originated with the idea of Rational Software. Three Tier software is defined as client server architecture that feature the user interface, data storage, data access, and functional process logic maintained and developed as independent modules. Usually they are also located on different platforms. This architectural model is considered as both software design pattern and software architecture. Besides… Read More

C++ Objects and Classes

In object-oriented programming languages like C++, the data and functions (procedures to manipulate the data) are bundled together as a self-contained unit called an object. A class is an extended concept similar to that of structure in C programming language; this class describes the data properties alone. In C++ programming language, class describes both the properties (data) and behaviors (functions) of objects. Classes are not objects, but they are used to instantiate objects. Features of Class: Classes contain data known as members and member functions. As a unit, the collection… Read More

What is N-Tier?

N-Tier applications are useful, in that they are able to readily implement Distributed Application Design and architecture concepts. These types of applications also provide strategic benefits to solutions at the enterprise level. It is true that two tier, client server applications may seem deceptively simple from the outset – they are easy to implement and easy to use for Rapid Prototyping. At the same time, these applications can be quite a pain to maintain and secure over time.  N-Tier applications, on the other hand, are advantageous, particularly in the business… Read More

JavaScript Objects

JavaScript Objects Object oriented Programming in an important aspect of JavaScript. It is possible to use built-in objects available in JavaScript.  It is also possible for a JavaScript programmer to define his own objects and variable types. In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn how to make use of built-in objects available in JavaScript. Built-in objects in JavaScript: Some of the built-in objects available in JavaScript are: Date Math String Array Object Of the above objects, the most widely used one is the String object. Objects are nothing but special… Read More

JavaScript String Object

JavaScript String Object In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about String Object, purpose of string object in JavaScript, purpose of string object, indexof method, lastIndexOf method and substring method along with syntax and example. Purpose of String Object in JavaScript: The main purpose of String Object in JavaScript is for storing text. General method of using String Object is to declare a variable and assign a string, in other words a text to the variable. var exf="Welcome" assigns the text Welcome to the variable exf defined. We have seen… Read More

JavaScript Date Object

JavaScript Date Object In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about date object and methods of date object explained along with syntax and example. JavaScript Date Object: Usage of Date Object: Date object of Java Script is used to work with date and times. General syntax for defining Date object in Java Script is as follows: var variablename=new Date( ) In the above new is a keyword which creates an instance of object and Date() defines variablename as Date Object. For example: var exf=new Date( ) In the above example,… Read More

Microsoft Dynamics Applications

Microsoft Dynamics Applications Microsoft Dynamics is a line of Financial, customer relationship, and supply chain management solutions. It is software that provides complete solutions for businesses and organizations. Microsoft Dynamics has been evaluated by many industry experts who stand by it and vouch for it. It has won many awards for being the best software, from CRM magazine and even Gartner; an independent analyst firm, declared it to be the best software for supply chain management available In different businesses or segments of businesses the Microsoft Dynamics supply chain management… Read More

Microsoft Dynamics

Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics for Supply Chain Management Every successful business owes it to the efficiency and organization of the business management. Whether it is a large or small business, the organization of tasks is the single most important factor which contributes to the well being of the company. How do we get our business organized? It obviously can’t be done by opening a Microsoft Excel document and listing out the things to do. You need much more than that and using the right software is very important. Not just… Read More

JavaScript Math Object

JavaScript Math Object In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about Math Object, usage, properties and methods of math object along with syntax and examples. Usage of Math Object: JavaScript Math object is used to perform mathematical tasks. But unlike the String and the Date object which requires defining the object, Math object need not be defined.  Math object in JavaScript has two main attributes: Properties Methods Properties of Math Object: The JavaScript has eight mathematical values and this can be accessed by using the Math Object. The eight mathematical… Read More

JavaScript Windows Object Properties Part II

JavaScript Windows Object Properties Part II In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about screenX, screenY, screenLeft and screenTop, top, length, frames, opener, parent and window property of Window object along with syntax and examples. screenX: This property screenX returns the x coordinate of the window relative to the user’s monitor screen. In other words this property namely ScreenX indicates in pixels the distance that the new window is placed from the left side of the screen horizontally. This property is a read onlywrite property. General syntax for using this… Read More

JavaScript Windows Object Properties Part I

JavaScript Windows Object Properties Part I In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about Windows Object properties namely personalbar, statusbar, scrollbar, toolbar property of Window object, pageXOffset, pageYOffset, innerwidth, innerheight, outerwidth and outerheight. personalbar Property of Window Object: The personalbar property of a Window Object relates to the browser’s personal or directory bars. This is the region where the user has easy access to certain bookmarks. The personalbar property has the default property set as true, meaning visible, and can also be set to false, meaning hidden, as per the… Read More

JavaScript Window Object Timeout Methods

JavaScript Window Object Timeout Methods In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about setTimeout(), clearTimeout() and open() methods of window object along with syntax, usage and examples for each method. setTimeout(): The setInterval() method of Window object is used to call a function or evaluate an expression at specified intervals. The setTimeout() method of a window object performs in a similar manner. In contrast to the setInterval() method, the setTimeout() method of window object is used to call a function or evaluate an expression after a specified number of milliseconds.… Read More

JavaScript Document Object Methods Part II

JavaScript Document Object Methods Part II In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about document object methods – getElementsByTagName, getSelection, handleEvent, releaseEvents, routeEvent, write, writeln along with syntax, examples and brief explanation. getElementsByTagName: The the getElementsTagName() method returns a collection of objects with the specified TagNAME given in argument. The programmer can enter an asterisk ("*") as the parameter to retrieve a list of all elements within the document. The general syntax for using the getElementsByName method of document object is as follows: document.getElementsByTagName(tagname) for example: <html>    <head>      … Read More

Client-Server Testing Technology

Client-Server Testing Technology Client Server Software Client-server software requires specific forms of testing to prevent or predict catastrophic errors. Servers go down, records lock, I/O (Input/Output) errors and lost messages can really cut into the benefits of adopting this network technology. Testing addresses system performance and scalability by understanding how systems respond to increased workloads and what causes them to fail. Software testing is more than just review. It involves the dynamic analysis of the software being tested. It instructs the software to perform tasks and functions in a virtual… Read More

JavaScript Document Object Methods Part I

JavaScript Document Object Methods – Part I In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about methods of document object along with syntax and examples.  This section covers captureEvents, open, close, getElementById, getElementsByName methods with explanations for each method. Methods of document Object: captureEvents: The captureEvents method instructs the document to capture and handle all events of a particular type. The general syntax for using the captureEvents method of document object is as follows: document.captureEvents(eventType) The list of eventType in an earlier section of this tutorial called Event Handler in JavaScript.… Read More

JavaScript History Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript History Object Properties and Methods In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about history object properties and methods, length, current, next, previous properties, back(), forward() and go() methods along with syntax and examples. The history property has the return value as history object, which is an array of history items having details of the URL’s visited from within that window. Also, note that the History object is a JavaScript object and not an HTML DOM object. General syntax of history property of Window Object: window.history The JavaScript runtime engine automatically creates… Read More

JavaScript Elements and Embed Objects

JavaScript Elements and Embed Objects In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about browser objects – elements and embed, properties of elements object, length, type, embed object, properties of embed object along with syntax and examples. elements object: The elements object is used in JavaScript to access all form elements such as fields or buttons that are present or embedded within a form. Since each element inside the form is stored as an array element within the array elements[], the user can make use of the loop concept to access… Read More

JavaScript OnError Event

JavaScript OnError Event In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about onerror event, how to use onerror event along with syntax and example. Using onerror event: The onerror event fires when a page has a script error. This onerror event occurs in JavaScript when an image or document causes an error during loading. This does not mean that it is a browser error. This event handler will only be triggered by a JavaScript error, not a browser error. The general syntax of onerror event is as follows: onerror=functionname() function functionname(msg,file_loc,line_num)… Read More

Using NLP for Continuous Change

Using NLP for Continuous Change Introduction We all know the saying that change is the only universal constant. Several people are not able to progress in their life because they are afraid of change. When we think of change, we start thinking of the accompanying uncertainties, which causes a sense of anxiety. We become afraid of facing the unknown, and resist to embrace it. Technical programmers and software developers have to undergo different levels of change in the organization and their personal lives. If we do not let go of… Read More

JavaScript Event Handler

JavaScript Event Handler In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about using event handlers along with events for each HTML tag. Using Event Handler in JavaScript: Event Handlers are used in JavaScript by placing the name of the event handler inside the HTML tag associated with object. This is followed by =’JavaScript code’, the code in JavaScript which must execute when the event fires. The events for each HTML tag are as follows: <A> click (onClick) mouseOver (onMouseOver) mouseOut (onMouseOut) <AREA> mouseOver (onMouseOver) mouseOut (onMouseOut) <BODY> blur (onBlur) error (onError)… Read More

JavaScript Exception Handling – Part II

JavaScript Exception Handling – Part II In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about exception handling viz. try…catch..finally statement and nested try…catch statements along with syntax and examples. try…catch..finally Statement: JavaScript has a finally statement that can be used as an optional construct along with try..catch statements. The finally construct placed in a try…catch construct is an optional statement. When the finally statement is placed in a try…catch construct, it always runs following the try…catch structure. The general syntax of a try…catch..finally statement is as follows: try { …………       //Block… Read More

JavaScript Exception Handling – Part I

JavaScript Exception Handling – Part I In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about Exception Handling, Catching errors in JavaScript, Using try..catch statement and throw in JavaScript along with syntax and examples. It is impossible for a programmer to write a program without errors. Programming languages include exceptions, or errors, that can be tracked and controlled. Exception handling is a very important concept in programming technology. In earlier versions of JavaScript, the exceptions handling was not so efficient and programmers found it difficult to use. Later versions of JavaScript resolved… Read More

Using NLP for Personal Development

Using NLP for Personal Development Introduction Organizations today seek employees that are multi talented. Prospective candidates have to exhibit characteristics such as technical expertise, leadership skills, initiative and enthusiasm, communication skills, confidence and self-motivation. Technical professionals of today are provided with a variety of trainings and courses. However, if an individual does not understand the significance of these trainings, it becomes a waste of time, effort and money. Professionals of today need to interact with people of varied personalities. A mismatch of style or approach towards a common goal can… Read More

Virtualization and Client-Server Technology

Virtualization and Client-Server Technology The Virtualization Trend One of the biggest trends in information technology is towards virtualization. Virtualization broadly refers to the abstraction of computer resources. This often makes them appear and perform more powerfully than they would otherwise. It accomplishes this by concealing the physical characteristics of a resource (be it an operating system, storage device, server, or application) from the other systems interacting with it. It is really sort of a shape-shifter. For example, it can make any one of the single computer resources mentioned previously and… Read More