Principles of Organization Design

There are numerous frameworks that allows to structure an organization.  However, to design an organization is quiet different because there is no such thing as a design blueprint that anyone can simply follow without taking necessary steps to ensure that the design structure will work for a particular organization.  Blueprint Designs even makes it more complicated knowing that the design is ineffective, this will lead the organization to serious consequences which may ultimately result in business failure. Fortunately, there are four guiding principles that will assist employers in making an… Read More

What is Organization Design?

Organization design is the process of constructing and arranging an organization’s structure, processes, systems, practices, and rewards programs as a means to achieve its purpose and goals. To design an organization requires wide knowledge on a diverse range of concepts, research, and approaches on economics, information technology, logistics, management, and psychology. It also involves analysis of available designs and frameworks derived from existing organizations, and redesigning these to effectually meet the prerequisites of the organization. An organization design is created on the belief that employees have the genuine desire to… Read More

Using Competencies in Project Management

Project management has been defined as the process involved to successfully attain the goals and objectives of a given project. There are several types of project managers such as construction project manager, software project manager, architectural project manager and research project manager. Every project management endeavor has a manager. The project manager has a long list of roles that needs to be filled so that the project can be completed in the best means possible. These roles are categorized into: planning, organizing, managing, executing and closing. Roles of a Project… Read More

Using Competency Frameworks to Improve Performance

The design and development of a competency framework is the initial step to improving the level of performance of employees in a company. The next steps are implementation and execution. Gaining a good understanding of the “why,” the “what” and the “how” signals the need to proceed with the use of these frameworks as guidelines in achieving optimum performance at work. The Why, the What, and the How To gain acceptance and trust from employees, it is necessary to uncover the answers to the “why,” “what,” and “how” first. Why,… Read More

Using Competencies in Selecting Your People

During hiring process, companies focus on an individual’s competencies, and this is more evident today than ever. Their understanding of the value of people to help them communicate their core competencies to their market and the rest of the world has paved the way for the integration of competency-based hiring practices. The kind of people hired by any company will impact the business, and such impact can go either way – good or bad. The employees are the heart of the company; if they are highly competent individuals then they… Read More

Using Competencies in Training

Training is a very significant aspect in helping employees become more efficient and effective in their job. Thus, it is very important that this department must be equipped with the necessary competencies that will allow them to impart and transfer knowledge and understanding to the trainees through various methods, strategies, and activities. Areas of Competence and Competencies of a Trainer The areas of competence of a trainer, and their corresponding competencies are: Training Delivery: Presentation of learning objectives must be set clearly; audio-visual aids must encourage learning. The trainer should… Read More

Using Competencies for Employment

Finding employment in this competitive world is difficult, and keeping one’s job is also tricky.  Ineffective performance from previous work experiences can be evident especially if the prospective employer is keen on using structured interviews; who would want to hire an ineffective person? Moreover, if you do not perform well, you stand the chance of being laid off because there will always be other more competent and deserving individuals willing to take your place. To go up in the echelons of success, a person needs to be competent. Now the… Read More

How to Develop a New Competency

To stay competitive, one must adapt to the changing times. Today, there are already many competencies that were unheard of 50 years ago. This is particularly true for functional competencies which are job-specific competencies; in the past, there were no web developers and designers, which mean that before, people were not required to know programming languages and stylesheets. The advent of technology has paved the way for these competencies to exist; thus, people who want to be able to move up in their career have to evolve too, especially when… Read More

Competencies Key Principles

Competencies can be produced and learned by one or many individuals by adhering to a framework. Competencies must also be updated and made adaptable to hold relevance to those they were designed for. However, in order to get commitment from employees, there are guiding principles to be followed. These will be discussed in detail in this article. Principle 1: Collaboration Management creates policies for everyone to follow; they create plans and programs designed for all. But when it comes to designing a competency framework for the organization, the task should… Read More

Influences of Competency

Competency is a person’s knowledge, skills, and attitude that will allow him to perform his job functions in a superior and effectual manner. A person with the required competencies can handle a job much better than a person who does not have them. For this reason, companies are always spending their resources to ensure that they employ highly competent individuals. To achieve this goal, they provide competency-focused interviews to be able to screen those who have the competencies the company is looking for. Moreover, they also conduct regular performance evaluations… Read More