Using Humor in Public Speech

Delivering laughter in your next public speech is not as easy as preparing the topic of your speech. Although you can see a lot of stand-up comedians that can easily tell a funny story or continuously tell jokes, trying to solicit laughter from your audience seemed like an impossible task. Because of the difficulty in properly delivering jokes in public speaking, many opted to forget about the humor part and continue with their speech. A speech without humor is possible. Some of the best speakers are not necessarily the funny… Read More

Impromptu Speech

An impromptu speech is easily the most difficult form of public speaking assignment. It’s a type of speech that will not give you enough time to prepare. You will be asked to speak in front of everyone out of the blue in order to talk about the specific subject. But even with little to no preparation, you are still expected to deliver a great speech. A badly delivered speech is inexcusable even though you didn’t have any time to prepare. You’ll still be viewed as a bad speaker if you… Read More

How to Deliver Proposals and Presentations

Proposals and presentations are forms of public speeches done with few spectators. These are often done with business purposes wherein the speaker is offering a service, a product or presenting actions that need to be done for business advancement. The spectators could be colleagues, persons from the upper management or someone working for the speaker. Proposals and presentations are often done with visual aids for additional information from the speaker. Proposals and presentations are particularly challenging forms of speeches since they require more than just to entertain and to inform… Read More

Public Speech Writing

Speech writing is one of the key aspects in preparation for public speaking. The speaker maybe familiar where the speech will take place and have the right visual aids but none of these will matter if the speaker didn’t take time to write a speech. The speaker has to literally write down everything that he or she has to say in order to fully prepare for an important event. Through speech writing, everything will be considered which means the speaker will be reminded of the topics that need to be… Read More

How to Conquer Public Speech Anxiety

Mastering public speaking is a relatively easy task for some individuals. These individuals just need careful coaching before they finally master the art of public speaking. Through practice and careful research of the topic, public speech can be easily handled. After all, public speech is practically an activity wherein a person stands in front of the crowd to explain a point, state some facts or tell a story. However, there are individuals who have a hard time dealing with the fact that they will be standing in front of a… Read More

Body Language

Your body language is one of the factors that will determine the success or failure of your speech. Aside from the actual speech, the audience will notice how your body moves as this is used to emphasize an idea. Your facial expressions, your hand movements and even the movements of your feet could be used on your speech so that you can effectively communicate to your audience. Without any movement, your speech will be dull as you don’t offer any additional information to your audience. Standing in front of the… Read More

Public Speaking Biggest Mistakes

The ability to deliver a great speech in public is a highly regarded skill. It’s a skill that does not simply require knowledge of the topic but the ability to inform and keep the audience interested during the speech. A great public speaker could even invoke emotions and could trigger reactions from the audience. That is why public speaking is more than just getting in front of everyone and talking about what you know. There are many things a speaker should consider before delivering a speech. The speaker should have… Read More

How to Improve Speaking Voice

Your voice is your best tool in public speaking. Without your voice, you would not be able to deliver a single speech because you will never be heard. Your voice allows you to communicate to your audience, convey ideas and even solicit emotions and reactions because of your compelling speech. Professional public speakers always take care of their voice much like singers, radio personalities and even phone operators. Their success in their respective industry is based on their ability to speak. But public speaking is not just opening your mouth… Read More

Tips for Effective Public Speaking

Public speaking is an art of presenting an idea, a product or a service to the crowd or to the public. It’s a challenging art to master since it will require the speaker to persuade the crowd or at least carefully educate the listeners about the topic discussed. Public speaking is more than just talking in front of many people – a person has to educate, persuade and even entertain at the same time. This is difficult since the public has varying and even conflicting mindsets. But a difficult undertaking… Read More

Software Testing Best Practices

The Foundational practices are the rock in the soil that protects your efforts against harshness of nature, be it a redesign of your architecture or enhancements to sustain unforeseen growth. Every time we conclude a study or task force on the subject of software development process I have found one recommendation that comes out loud and clear. Please read here Software Testing Best Practices [catlist id=176]. Read More

Anxiety Lowering Healthy Habits

Life cannot get any exciting without hardships and difficulties. It is natural to feel down sometimes, because it is through these challenging experiences that you learn to gather yourself up and come out a stronger individual. But many people fail to get up after they trip off; they just allow themselves to get wounded and remain weak.Some people allow fear to eat them up alive. They just do not try to battle it. We all experience the bliss of life; we get frustrated and upset, too. How can we experience… Read More

Stay Focused on Your Goals

Do you sometimes take time alone and picture yourself in a place you have always wanted to visit? Or maybe picture yourself as someone whom you really admire? Or maybe imagine that you are filthy rich and you can buy all the luxuries you want? We call this form of imagination a process called visualization. When you visualize, you perceive things in your mind that they almost seem to be real. You allow the imagination to explore and wander. It is a powerful state of mental creativity. They say that… Read More

Meditation and Breathing Exercises

Normally, the body responds to a stressful condition through a “fight of flight” reaction. Especially during panic attacks, the mind goes beyond rational and logical thinking and dramatic physical and physiological body changes occur.The mind and body should have a relaxation response after the sudden surge of anxiety or panic attack. If the person is not able to relax, the body continues to suffer from the symptoms of anxiety and finds it hard to bring back the systems to its normal functions, causing health problems in both physiological and emotional… Read More

Relaxation Exercises

There are various ways and methods to fight anxiety and negative stress from our system. Some people spend money just to go to therapists and medical professionals. Others would opt for treatments and medication. These may be applicable approaches when anxiety becomes intense or extreme, such that symptoms of anxiety disorder are present. On typical conditions of anxiety, one can just settle for practical ways to beat the stress. A good self-help technique to battle anxiety is relaxation. This skill is essential in dealing with day-to-day stress and anxiety, even… Read More

Managing Time to Reduce Anxiety

Productivity and efficiency at work are achieved with proper time management. This skill can easily be enhanced and developed if the person just religiously practices it daily until it is mastered. Especially in a busy work setting, time seems to be getting shorter and shorter each time.An eight-hour work day does not seem to be enough to accomplish the work needed to be done within the day. This results in extension of deadline and can cause work stress. But knowing how to budget and manage your time at work will… Read More

The Fight or Flight Response

Anxiety may be an unpleasant feeling but it is not at all completely undesirable. In fact, it is an element of the body’s defense mechanism, just like animals do. It is natural to feel anxious especially in threat-invoking circumstances or when you feel excessively stressed out.Using a certain defense mechanism shields us from possible danger. The mind responds to the feeling of anxiety and tells the body what to do— either to “fight” and face the situation, or run away and avoid the situation which is called “flight”. The Physiology… Read More

Impact of Anxiety on Health

Anxiety should not just be left unattended. Once a person starts to feel anxious, something must be done to manage the feeling because this feeling does not only occur once in a person’s life. During a stressful situation, any person can feel anxious and it is but normal for all of us to feel this way.The effects of anxiety affect our physical and emotional health. Some are used to the feeling already that they do not anymore notice the adverse effects that anxiety has brought them. The reason for this… Read More

How to Avoid Anxiety at Work Place

Having a decent and good-paying job is a top priority in a person’s life because our job or career is an important element for survival. The workplace is an avenue for a working individual to develop maturity and professionalism. Challenge is a factor in the workplace.An employee will encounter issues and problems in the office. These challenges may be from the boss, personal challenge, or it could be from office colleagues. There are office issues that can be easily be dealt with, but there are also matters that can be… Read More

How to Deal with Difficult Co-Workers

In the work environment, you either get along with co-workers who are easy to work with, or you stumble upon rude and nasty officemates. The latter is challenging because you cannot get away with them; you see them everyday. And if you do not deal with them, your work relationship is at stake, not to mention the loss of interest in your work in the long run. Types of Difficult Co-workers Difficult people may come in varying personalities. They can be nice and amiable but still be difficult. Or, they… Read More

How to Handle Workplace Anxiety

Our workplace or the work environment is one of the most common causes of anxiety. At work, you encounter obstacles, problems, and petty issues with co-workers. However, the feeling of anxiety can be helpful sometimes at work. For example, when you are pressed with a deadline on a certain project assigned by your boss, and you are nearing the cut-off date, you start to cram and the mind doubles the effort to think fast.It manifests a call to action to complete the task. But more often than not, people fail… Read More

Personal Life Anxiety Management

Feeling worried or tense when pressured or when faced with a stressful situation is a normal thing. Stress triggers anxiety, so when you feel stressed about a situation and you think it will lead to something, you develop an anxious feeling. You get anxious when your mind and body responds to what you think is a possible danger or threat. It is like an automatic alarm and a natural response that is conditioned in our body. Anxiety can be caused by various factors. It could be the stress you are… Read More

Stress and Anxiety

The concept of anxiety and stress is nonetheless very much the same. However, anxiety is a result of stress. One factor or reason that triggers an individual to be anxious is due to stress. It is normal to feel anxious but the problem starts when you fail to overcome the feeling and allow it to grow instead.The same notion is true for stress. In most cases, people associate stress with a negative feeling. The truth is the presence of this emotion is normal when we are under a certain situation… Read More

Anxiety Signs and Symptoms

Anxiety is not a pleasant feeling, but it can be controlled or managed. Sometimes, it can even be helpful in keeping us focused and vigilant to the things that are going on around us. It keeps us to be alert at all times and invokes us to call to action when unexpected circumstances arise. Anxiety even motivates us to think and find ways to solve problems. However, if the feeling is not properly managed, it may go out of hand. Normal anxiety develops into a more intense condition when you… Read More

Anxiety Triggers

When we face a situation that prompts us to feel disturbed and threatened, we call that the feeling of anxiety. We get anxious if we didn’t see things coming and when it’s there we are totally at a loss on what to do. The same feeling comes out when you are anticipating a situation to happen and your stimuli produces a negative response or you run away from it. We always tend to associate the feeling of anxiety with a negative or unwanted feeling. While that may be true, anxiety… Read More

What is Anxiety Management?

Anxiety management is the method of dealing with anxiety in order to minimize the negative consequences and effects of such feeling. The essential element of this process is to understand the presence of anxiety, identifying the symptoms, knowing the level of anxiety whether a mild feeling of worry or a serious anxiety attack, and applying a call to action before the situation gets worse. Anxiety is very closely associated with panic attacks. Both can cause an increase in the adrenalin level of a person, increase heartbeat rate, and shortness of… Read More

Anger Management Techniques

The best way in dealing with anger is to know its cause. Although there are many techniques for anger management, some of them might not work as expected since they do not deal with the cause of anger. When a person starts to realize the cause of his anger, the techniques or anger management options would be a lot easier to implement and anger could be easily controlled. For example, a person bottles his emotion just to avoid conflict. This often happens when he is asked to do something and… Read More