Breaking Into Your Field Of Interest With Education And No Experience

Breaking Into Your Field Of Interest With Education And No Experience

Getting a job after college can be a scary experience for just about everyone, especially if you have little or no experience in your field of interest. However, just because you do not have experience in your field doesn’t mean you should expect to get a less than satisfying job, you just need to plan ahead for every interview and put your best foot forward. Employers know that everyone has to start somewhere, and while most like to see some experience they also know that with a good education comes an individual that they can help mold. You can break into your field of interest with little or no experience and your education don’t let anyone tell you any different.

Those With No Experience Need Not Apply

You’ll see this statement less and less as education is once again becoming an asset to employers. For a long time experience out weighed education, but many employers are realizing that with education comes the real know how, things you cannot teach in a two hour training session. An employee with education is usually able to do more and may even be capable of more in the long run that is why so many employers will now consider employment candidates with little or no experience. For this reason, you needn’t be ashamed to apply for all the jobs that you might be interested in.

This doesn’t mean that you’ll necessarily gain employment with the first company that you apply or send your resume to, you might have to look around for a while. What you shouldn’t do is assume that you don’t land any one job because you have little or no experience. Usually if you do not get a job it will be because someone else better fit what the company was looking for. If you keep applying despite your experience you’ll find that there are plenty of employers willing to talk to you and employ you because you have a great education and work ethic.

If You Don’t Have Experience…

If you are a college graduate that doesn’t yet have any experience in the career field of your choice you can get a job quite easily you just need to know how to really play up your education, your work ethic, your personality, as well as being able to show why you’d be a great addition to their current team. Showing up on time for your interview dressed professionally, groomed well, and ready to sell yourself. There are some things that you can do to really help sell yourself such as:

· Doing your homework. Find out all that you can about the company so that you can ask questions, give input, and just come across in a very informed manner. You’ll likely impress the employer with your ability to research and come to the table with this type of information and it’ll also give you a chance to learn more about the company that you might land a job with so that you can make a well informed decision.

· Customize your resume. A customized resume usually makes a better impression than your generic resume. For instance, if you are looking for a sales job but you are going to an interview with a fashion sales employer, you should tailor your resume to say that you are looking for a career in fashion sales. Double check your resume before you hand it over, so that you are sure you aren’t giving the employer a resume with the wrong information on it!

· Document your achievements. Because you don’t have any relevant experience you’ll want to point out your achievements. If you had an outstanding grade point average, belonged to well thought of organizations, or have participated in groups and projects that you believe cast a positive light on you then you should mention them in your resume and really sell the relevance to the job you are applying for.

· Have a business philosophy to speak of when you go into your interview, and not a generic one. Using the sales job interview again, make sure that you are able to discuss your sales philosophy and how it will fit in with the company that you are interviewing with. Your ability to discuss such issues will surely impress your prospective employer, helping you land a job despite your lack of experience.

· Have a story to relate to your interviewer. Often you’ll be asked to relate a story of your biggest sell or success in the business in which you are seeking employment. Be sure that you have a great story to relate and that you will be able to articulate it well. Many employers believe that asking for a story puts people on the spot, so if you have a great story ready you’ll likely impress them!

· Be willing to come into the company in a training position or even an entry-level position. Many employers want to give those with no experience a chance and the only way to justify this when there are candidates with education and experience is to bring them in at the bottom and let them work their way up more quickly. Don’t be afraid to ask how quickly you’ll be able to move up, gaining status and financial gains as well.

If you really know how to sell yourself during an interview you’ll find that a lack of education does not have to work against you. You might have to be a little more practiced at interviewing and selling yourself, but with the outstanding education and motivation you have, that shouldn’t be all that difficult!

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