Tips to find Job during Recession

It is always difficult to find a job during recession. One of the drastic effects of recession is that companies are having a hard time earning or posting a profit. This means that they have to make some adjustments in their business operation and one of those adjustments is to terminate employees. Keeping employees during recession is seen as a bad business move because they have to be given salaries which do not really reflect the earnings of the company. If employees are terminated, the company should be able to post some earnings and possibly survive recession.

But the massive job cuts in different industries today doesn’t mean no one is hiring right now. There are still companies who are looking for the right employees. But they are currently having a hard time because of the onslaught of applicants. In your end, you will be contending with possible hundreds of other job applicants. This might easily become frustrating since you really can’t stand out with the number of applicants who have the same – and possibly better job experience and education. But that doesn’t mean getting hired for job that pays the same or even better is impossible. It’s just a little bit difficult nowadays since there are few companies hiring.

Research is the Key

The first step to any successful endeavor is to research. But don’t just dwell on job sites while trying to learn more about the companies that are hiring right now. Instead of focusing specific companies, research on the specific industries that are not experiencing or that will not experience any form for recession. Focusing on the companies within the same industry you used to work with is not a good way to research. Although they are still hiring, they will eventually feel the effect of recession in their end. By focusing on industries, you’ll be able to select a company that will have a higher chance of improving even with recession.

Porting Skills

The main reason why you might search for a job in the same industry is that you already have the skills to succeed in that industry. But, as already indicated, it would only be a matter of months before the company in the same industry you used to work with to feel the effects of recession. You need to focus on other industries.

The challenge in getting another job in another industry is based on the skills that you could offer to them. Think about the skills that you could use when you are working for them and try to place it in real work situation. If you can find any job opening where you skill could be used, grab the opportunity to work for them.

But aside from skills that could be used in other industries, also think of the inherent services of your learning that you could offer to other industries. For example, a hospital will still require someone expert in a computer or possibly an electrician. If you have those skills and education to back it up, you might have a chance working for that industry. It’s very important to keep building your core skills as that will help you to make difference as many others will be competing for the same position.

The Power of Networking

Social NetwrokingStanding out among other applicants is not only based on what you learned in college and your experience. Today, Social Networking is gaining more recognition by different companies as a way of landing a good job. The rationale is that companies are not just going to go for someone educated and experienced without any personal knowledge. Knowing the real person will take time and could be a little bit risky. Instead of gambling on a total stranger, networking is used so that their background could be easily checked. If you are able to network, you will be able to connect to more people and know more job opening. Sometimes, there are opportunities that are only open to those who are part of the network which increases your chances of being hired.

Getting a good job during recession is very challenging but not impossible since there are still companies who are hiring despite recession. You need to research first on the industries that are currently hiring and try to port some of your skills to that industry. Lastly, use networking as much as possible so that you can increase your chances of being hired by gaining more access to company information.

Considering Online Jobs during Recession

Jobs are scarce during recession as companies are very cautions in their spending. They don’t want to spend too much in workforce knowing that they can’t post enough earnings to provide the required salary without losing on their end. As a result, they opted to terminate employees on certain departments or even close down branches so that their operations will be highly controlled.

Finding work the regular way during recession increases in difficulty even if you use your networking skills. Companies are not that keen in hiring more people so lobbying for a new position will all be in vain.

Some opted to transfer to other states since there are industries in other states that are actually growing. But transferring is very difficult not only for you but more especially for your family. Your kids and your loved ones have to deal with a new surrounding. Although it’s not bad in itself, the difficult of adjusting to new surrounding that has a totally different culture.

Online Jobs as Work at Home Idea

If you’re not keen in transferring to other places to find a new job, consider taking a look at a very popular form of home-based job: online work. The advancement of technology has given everyone a chance on working not only in traditional office spaces but even at home. Instead of commuting for hours before they arrive at work everyday, they can just log in online and work on the assigned task. Before the workday ends, they can just provide a report on what they do.

There are also online jobs that don’t even require a company that will approve your work. You can be with virtual assistance wherein you become an assistant of someone without even reporting for work. Any job required by your employer could be done online or through the phone.

Online work is gaining in popularity for two reasons: first, some businesses opted to work with a virtual assistance rather than working with an actual assistance because of pricing. Although they’ll pay higher, they don’t want to pay for additional expenses such as benefits. The second reason is availability. If you’re working as a virtual assistant, you need to make sure you are in touch everyday without any difficulty. You could be called online, on the phone or even in fax.

Beware of Scams

Although there are many opportunities for work online, there are also scams that might lead you to spend money for nothing. There are many websites and blogs that claim they have the formula of making you earn thousands of dollars every month without any effort. All you need is to pay for the “training fee” and the rest will be very easy. But the money you paid is actually for the personal wealth of the scammer. Your job is basically to look for other people who could be scammed into this same plan.

The easiest way to avoid scams is never to transact with anyone who will be asking some money. It’s just plain logic that companies will hire you because of your skills and will provide with a decent salary. The person or company who hired you should be the one who will give you money instead of the other way around.

Upgrading Your Technology for Success

The key to success in this type of industry is firmly based on your technology. You need to have a powerful desktop or laptop which could handle business processes. An upgraded internet connection is also required. To ensure proper and timely data transfer from your employer, you need to have DSL connection in your area. Anything less than DSL connection should never be used in your business. Certain processes such as online conferencing will never be possible if you still use dial-up connection.

Another important component for a successful online work is to have a dedicated line for your business. A professional assistance or any online working should have a line dedicated for their clients. Although your employer knows that you work at home, it’s not an excuse to have your phone answered by just anyone.

Online work is a great way to earn during recession. The advantage of working at home is not only in your end but also to the business. Just be sure to upgrade your gadgets to ensure proper service.

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