How To Set An Example For Your Followers

How To Set An Example For Your Followers

Many employees have found that their managers often want them to follow rules that they themselves do not follow. If this situation sounds familiar, this means that you work under leaders who do not set good examples.

A number of corporate executives wander why their employees follow their example instead of the rules which they have laid down. The behavior of any leader will set the values that their followers will use. When they behave in a decent manner, they can demand the same behavior from those beneath them. However, if they behave poorly, they cannot expect their followers to behave any better.

To be a good leader, you must be able to put yourself in the shoes of those who follow you. It is very frustrating to follow rules made by someone who doesn’t follow their own guidelines. A leader who does not follow their own rules will convey a message that they are "above the law," and can do whatever they want. When an organization is lead by an individual like this, that organization will almost always fail. Why? Because there will be anger among the followers. They won’t have an incentive to work for someone who they feel doesn’t follow rules. As a leader, do you like it when your followers fail to follow your rules or guidelines?

The first thing you will want to do is promote the exact behavior that you want to see in your followers. When they see you following the rules that you want them to follow, this will send a powerful message to them saying that you practice what you preach. If you want your followers to make a change, you should be come the embodiment of that change yourself. Always follow any rules or changes you make. When you do, this will show that you are serious about your employees following it as well. Even if you are a leader, you will not want to act in a way which makes it appear that you are better than those that follow you.

This is a simple mistake which is made by many leaders. You will want to make yourself a part of your team. Get together with them and work. In many large companies, too many managers sit around and do nothing while their employees do the grunt work. Again, this will create resentment in your ranks, and this will weaken your productivity and efficiency. When you work with those beneath you, this will create a powerful comraderie that will make your team a force to be reckoned with. Have you ever worked under someone who had no idea how your job worked? You were probably left wandering why they were managers.

Unfortunately, many companies choose to give people high positions based on politics rather than merit. These individuals will often have no idea how to efficiently perform the tasks of those they supervise, yet they are still placed in a management position because of their connections. If you want to be a great leader, you must never tolerate this in your own organization. Reward based on merit, not connections. Those that are promoted should understand exactly how to perform the tasks of those they supervise. In fact, they should be highly proficient at it.

The best leaders in history are often those that lead their organizations like a meritocracy. In other words, they only promote those who have the necessary skills to be promoted. They never promote because somone is connected to them. This is a great way of leading by example. When your employees see that you reward based on skill and accomplishments, this will kill any potential resentment, and will allow your organization to succeed. You will want to help your followers achieve their goals. By helping them achieve their goals, you will succeed as well.

It is also important to spend a great deal of time talking with those that you supervise. Under no circumstances should your followers ever be afraid to talk to you or raise important issues. Make this clear to them, because if they are afraid, they may have hidden issues or concerns that are important to the health of the organization. You should have open discussions where your followers are able to voice their opinions.

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