Cloud computing is often used by businesses in limited processes. The enterprise could contact a specific vendor if they wanted to implement some cloud computing processes in their business setting. As long as the business knows what they specifically need from the vendor, the services related to cloud computing could be easily set up and launched in no time.
Even if the cloud computing process is very small, the business could immediately see the changes in their processing. The rest of the processes in the enterprise will have to be handled without the assistance of cloud computing.
But like most things that constantly aims to improve, cloud computing is aiming to be more than just a small chunk of the business operations. Some of the renowned internet companies are not just content in being a small part of the operations.
With their hardware capabilities, they could become the provider of the entire business processes. Internet giants such Google, Microsoft and Salesforce have begun offering EaaS or Everything as a Service to different business.
In this setting, EaaS uses the vendor as the point of entry for different type of business transactions. From simple office documents to extensive customer service management, EaaS vendors could provide the tools through the cloud (internet).
Characteristics of EaaS
• Decreasing dependency on the hardware – as more and more applications are used in the cloud, it has become important for the service providers in EaaS to keep everything accessible. Any service in the cloud could be accessed online without relying on one gadget that stores the native application. Even without any application stored in the desktop, online services could be extracted. Most of the cloud computing services could be accessed online through major browsers.
• No Specific Location – EaaS is not just an application limited to certain location and gadgets. Providers will allow access from any type of gadget from any location as long as the user has the right credential (username/password) to use the system. Outsourcing even became a possibility for some companies without too expensive set-up pricing because of EaaS.
• Improved Tenancy – access of the system is not only limited to a number of users. The user will have the ability to get everything done on time through collaboration.
• Extension to Consumers – this type of service is not only limited to businesses. Cloud computing through EaaS is now available to consumers.
Some services could actually be used for personal use without having to deal with different business processes.
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Opportunity for Small Businesses
One of the advantages of EaaS is its ability to extend their services to small and start-up companies. The businesses that are only starting do not have the capability in building infrastructure to support their business operations. Instead of gathering funds for infrastructure development, businesses could opt for EaaS offered by vendors.
Through cloud computing, every data processing need of the business could by be provided by the vendor. This is clearly an advantage for start-up companies wherein their resources could be focused in improving their business processes instead of ensuring their back-end operations are stable. Start-up businesses would need all the help they could get to ensure the success of their business and EaaS reduces cost of operations because the back-end operation will be supported by the vendor.
The “Free Factor”
The appeal of EaaS to small businesses is not only the assurance of back-end support. There are companies who offer ad-supported EaaS services that do not ask for anything in return. Certain services such as online document processing and even online presentation could be done for free.
Since these services are offered without a fee (revenue is based on ads), personal use of EaaS has also become a possibility. Some of the services offered by different websites could be used for personal reasons without any required agreements with the provider.
Of course, the downside of free services is that their uptime is not guaranteed by the provider. There are those that also questioned the security of the free services as the data are freely stored and controlled by the vendor.
But ultimately, EaaS offers a more powerful cloud computing experience. By offering every business processing need, small businesses could easily start their operations and users could even use some of the services for personal reasons.
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