NLP Persuasion Patterns and Benefits

NLP Persuasion Patterns and Benefits

Persuasion is an art, mastered by only a select few. Most often than not, people engage in conversations that lack tact, skill and wit. In this modern age, it has become highly essential to persuade and influence people, in business or in personal life.


Neuro-linguistic Programming includes a few excellent techniques for persuasion using certain patterns in the language such as anchoring, metaphor, therapeutic trance, explicit verbal language and reframing. Neuro-linguistic persuasion techniques can be used for business such as for increasing profits, sales, etc by using manipulative techniques. Persuasion methods described in Neuro-linguistic courses can also be used for therapeutic purposes to heal a patient from mental disorders, phobias or manias, or to bring about a positive change in his attitude and behavior.

Our communication methods can sometimes be mindless, in the sense that we might not always choose the right set of words. We might sometimes choose to use a generalized statement, which on its own cannot be true. For example when we say, “You always make mistakes”, such a statement cannot be true.

In fact, it shows a complete lack of sensibility on our part, by stating something so far away from the truth. No person can always make mistakes, there will always be something he does right, say breathing, sleeping, eating, walking etc. Therefore using such ineffective language for communication creates a bad impression the recipient.

As a human being, it is impossible for us not to have any influence on another human being. This influence can be positive or negative, and spread over varied degrees. Our language and choice of words can be used either to persuade an individual, or to manipulate him for personal gain.

Even when we are not communicating through language, we are communication via our body language and vibes. This covert or open form of communication has formed the basis for all our interactions, and we can make a difference or hurt someone with this inherent characteristic.

Two groups which comprise Neuro-linguistics

As per Neuro-linguistic courses, humanity can be split into two groups, those who can effectively use the art of persuasion using appropriate language patterns, and those who cannot.  The informed set of people can be divided into two groups as well, those who put this skill to use, and those who refrain from it. It is important to use the skill of effective persuasion by incorporating the skill in our day-to-day life such that it becomes an inherent attribute, something that is intuitive and does not require great, conscious efforts on our part. This can be done by undergoing Neuro-linguistic training.

Any form of communication has the potential to make an impression, to persuade or manipulate the recipient. As per Neuro-linguistic courses, it is therefore important to learn to incorporate the art of persuasion in every interaction, which over time will become a subconscious skill. It is said that it is impossible for any individual to not have an influence on someone else. Therefore, effective Neuro-linguistic communication and persuasion skills must be mastered, by learning how to present our thoughts and ideas in an effective, constructive and relevant format so that the audience can listen, understand and respond to the ideas in the desired manner.

It is also imperative to understand the intention behind the Neuro-linguistic persuasion. The intention could be a positive one, so as to bring about a moral, benevolent, productive change in the recipient. On the other hand, the underlying objective could be to manipulate the individual in order to profit from, abuse or harm the recipient.

In order to bring about a positive Neuro-linguistic change in other individual, or present an idea for the greater good, a person should be able to use the right words to expressing himself. There is no pre-established formula for expressing an idea. The language depends highly upon the recipient as well. In case of Neuro-linguistic persuasion, you are trying to present an idea that is not necessarily acceptable to the recipient.

Therefore, the idea itself must be strong enough and meaningful enough to bring about a better result. By using strong and influential words to present this idea makes the recipient pay attention to the idea and understand its underlying meaning and intention. The words chosen must also be in tune with the situation or the context, in order to avoid being neglected. Lastly, the words must be individualized, that is they should appeal to and be relevant to the particular recipients, and change with the audience.

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