Develop Positive Thinking Through Self Affirmations

Our mind is driven by a constant flow of thoughts that direct or control the way we perceive the world; it affects our actions, and even impacts our emotions. Our thoughts are so diverse and can be so random that we are greatly affected with it. The mind is capable of making you a success or turning your life upside down. Thoughts can either be positive or negative and regardless of the kind of perception we choose to have, these thoughts are one of the crucial factors in the changes occurring in our lives.

Positive thinking is very beneficial for holistic personality development. There are many good things we can get out of choosing to become positive thinkers. Some of us still seem to find it hard to make a paradigm shift.  When we aim to develop positive thinking, it needs to be practiced constantly until it becomes a habit.  We cannot apply positive thinking selectively in our lives.

Many techniques and strategies can be performed to condition our minds to think positively. One very common and effective method is self-affirmation. This article will educate you on what affirmation is and how it works in developing positive thinking.

Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are positive, constructive words and statements that express a situation, action, or event that you desire to happen. These statements have to be repeatedly instilled in the mind in order to drive the subconscious mind to think positive.

Positive affirmation  is effectively performed if the individual has the desire and conviction that what was hoped to happen will come true. In some instances, positive affirmation is also termed as “power dialogues.”

Affirmations function like computer programming wherein commands are fed to the computer for the processing unit to interpret it and produce results. Also, the concept of it is like guided imagery or creative visualization, with positive and blissful images and pictures playing in our minds. The conscious and subconscious mind work hand in hand to produce an outcome from the words and statements that are fed to the mind. .

Affirmations Examples

It is important to note that affirmative words and statements must be expressed in the present or future tense to denote action that is done at the moment or in the future. Stating affirmations in the past will not hold any impact. There are many different examples of affirmations based on various categories.

Affirmations for Health

  • I am feeling healthy today.
  • I will heal in time.
  • I will treat myself with good food.
  • My body functions well.

Affirmations for Wealth or Abundance and Success

  • I am truly blessed!
  • I will be rewarded a hundredfold for the goodness I offered.
  • I am a magnet for success.
  • I can buy the things I want to because I have a good job.

Affirmations for Love and Relationships

  • I am in love with my spouse.
  • I am loved by the people around me, especially by family and friends.
  • I am capable of loving and being loved.
  • I am so lucky to have a wonderful family.

How to Make Positive Affirmations Work for You

Positive thinking is enhanced with constant and consistent affirmations. There are many ways to express affirmations to oneself. One of which is the mirror technique wherein you face yourself in the mirror then smile and talk to your reflection using a positive statement.

Affirmations can also be written down on a journal to constantly remind you every time a negative thought slips into the mind. Self-talk can also be done anywhere and at any time.

You can inject positive words during a stressful situation in the office, or when tension sinks in. Some do it through a meditation or chant, and all you need is a quiet area where you can concentrate and affirm positivity in you.

No matter what method you use to express positive affirmations, the most important thing is that you are practicing good positive thinking which can consequently train the subconscious mind to be always entertaining positive thoughts and images, making you a better and happier person.

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