Any kind of personal development endeavor involves a lot of aspects to consider and apply in order to realize one’s potentials. Once these potentials are identified, they become your personal strengths and assets that can empower you as an individual and take you to greater heights.
In order to become an effective individual, you have to get in touch with yourself. No one else knows you better than yourself. In some cases, people who fail to connect to their inner selves find it hard to get a hold of their lives. Other people tend to dominate or take over their lives. Would you want others to run your life because they know your strengths and weaknesses more than you do?
Personal development requires more self-analysis; personal management involves more self-supervision. Although self-analysis and self-supervision are related, they are separate concepts. You cannot manage or supervise yourself unless your get to know the real you. Knowing oneself entails knowing one’s abilities, flaws, strengths, and behaviors. These are essential components to practicing effective self-supervision.
Understanding Self-Analysis
The concept of self-analysis was popularized by the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud. He studied and researched on the field of psychoanalysis, which is an outcome of the study of self-analysis.
Self-analysis is defined as the process of studying and examining one’s personality, emotions, and behavior. In psychological terms, the process involves an understanding or comprehension of the individual’s subconscious and conscious mind.
There are various means to conduct self-analysis. A regular self-evaluation of potentials and weaknesses can make you realize what you need to develop more and what needs to be changed or even eliminated. Know your talents and abilities and develop them. Get in touch with your emotions.
Find out how well you handle positive and negative emotions. Know your personal behaviors and take stock of your attitude. Be keen on what turns other people off and what attracts them about your personality. Take personality tests to provide you objective explanations of your personality issues. Ask other people what they think of you and your personality in general.
Self-Analysis as the Initial Stage to Self-Supervision
It was already mentioned in the earlier paragraph of this article that it is difficult to manage your own life and actions if you do not completely know yourself. There are people who seem like a stranger to their own selves. Self-supervision is a highly motivating skill and requires other major skills to be utilized. Responsible people usually just direct their own lives without relying on others. Self-supervised individuals know themselves best and can easily identify what works and what does not work for them.
In order to properly manage your life and your undertakings in both personal and professional aspects, you must study your own personality. At times, you find out the real you from other people. The people who know you tend to make you realize what is on your subconscious that is not being entered in your conscious mind.
Regular Self-Analysis for an Effective Self-Supervision
It was mentioned that before you can start supervising yourself, a self-check must be done to be fully aware of your real personality. It will not be very hard to handle your activities and other undertakings if you know what you are capable of and what you are not good at. Self-analysis does not end at the initial phase of learning how to self-supervise; it is a continuous process. The more you know about yourself, the better you become at self-supervising.
If you are about to establish your individual career, you must have already created an inner connection with your personality. When you become immersed in the corporate world, self-supervision is very essential. As you go through various experiences, you should also be continually developing your personality.
At the start, it is normal to depend on other people for decisions and on what to do. But you must be able to get over this stage in the long run and learn how to be an independent worker. Good self-supervision will definitely take your career to greater heights and transform your life. Yet, always strive to know yourself more and more in the process.
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