Neurofeedback and Memory

Neurofeedback and Memory

Neurofeedback is a term that is used to describe people who learn how to modify their brainwaves. To understand how neurofeedback is related to memory, you will first need to understand brainwaves.

Your brainwaves can be compared to radio waves. They will occur in various frequencies, and while some of them will move quickly, while others will move slow. The brainwaves that are present in the brain are broken down into four categories, and these are alpha, theta, delta, and beta.

Delta is the slowest brainwave. It will range between 0 and 3.5 hertz. However, it does have the highest amplitude, and will generally occur when you are in a deep sleep. Alpha brainwaves are much faster, and range between 8 and 12 hertz. These brainwaves will be present when you are in a relaxed, but alert state. Theta brainwaves have a frequency of between 4 and 8 hertz, and this occurs when someone is dreaming or relaxing. Beta is the fastest of the four brainwaves, and will have a frequency that may be 13 hertz or higher. Beta waves are present when people are active and focused.

It should be noted that your brain will be producing all these brainwaves at all times in various frequencies. People who suffer from learning disabilties will generally have brainwaves which are slower than normal. As you can see, by being able to modify your own brainwaves, you should be able to enhance your memory. While people have been experimenting with altering their brainwaves since the 1960s, the studies which are conducted today are much more stringent. A number of people who are suffering from learning disorders such as ADHD are being treated by the use of neurofeedback.

In addition to this, people who are disable or who have suffered from head injuries are also being treated by the advancements which are being made in neurofeedback technology. Not only is neurofeedback important for helping people who have learning disorders, it can also the improve the memory and assist those who are under large amounts of stress or anxiety. There have even been studies that indicated that being able to change the frequency of alpha or theta waves allowed people to have enhanced memories.

While traditional neurofeeback training has dealt with a set number of frequencies, newer techniques are being developed to work with people on an individual level. While there is no amount of training time that is universally accepted, a neurofeedback session should be 30 to 60 minutes in length. While neurofeedback may sound like a complex concept, it is actually quite simple. The goal of the participant is to get feedback on what effects a particular activity will have on the frequency of their brainwaves. The only problem with this method is that many people don’t know what to do with the feedback they’ve received.

The feedback should come in two types, and this is either sound or vision. Many experts believe that vision is much more effective than sound. Because the beta brainwaves are important for those who are focused, improving your memory will require you to alter them in a way that will increase their frequency. Being able to increase the frequency of your beta brainwaves should allow you to improve your memory and enhance your ability to retain information you’ve learned. Your brain can be compared to a computer. Improving your memory will require you to become adept at using it.

Before you can improve your memory, the first thing you will want to do is learn more about the human brain, and your own brain in particular. Trying to improve your memory without understanding your brain is like trying to upgrade a computer without understanding how it works. You won’t be very successful. Everyone has their own unique learning style, and you will need to understand how you learn in order to maximize your memory abilities. Many people have a hard time improving their memory because they don’t take the time to undestand their learning style, and they also fail to learn about the human brain. It has been said that humans use 10% of their brains, but this is not entirely correct.

Actually, only the greatest geniuses use 10% of their brains. The average person only uses about 4 to 5% at best. Even then, humans have done amazing thing by simply being able to use up to 10% of their brains.

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