The Foundation of Memory
Many people who are interested in improving their memories will often want to understand its foundation. You may have also wandered if the emotion of a person will have an effect on their memory.
This a complex concept that does not have simple answers, because emotion is not well understood as of this writing. Despite this, to understand the connections between emotions and the memory, it is first important to consider the context. The second thing you will need to understand is the role your emotion plays in your ability to enhance your memory.
One thing that is well documented is that humans tend to remembers things that profoundly effect them on an emotional level. In contrast, events that are boring will generally be forgotten. Current research indicates that the emotions that arise from a given event are much more important than the event itself. The effect that a particular situation has on the emotions of a person may cause them to forget things which occur immediately before or after the event. This seems to occur more in women than in men. The brain will treat your memories differently depending on the emotions that are connected to them.
Because of this, it is likely that the emotion is one of the foundations of memory itself. However, there is not enough information available on emotions to determine if this is a fact. In addition to this, the way the brain treats certain memories is also dependent on the age of the individual and a number of other factors. It appears that the brain tends to forget emotions that are negative while it will hold on to those that are positive. However, the brains of people who are suffering from depression will tend to lose both negative and positive information at an equal pace. At the same time, the brains of older people tend to process emotions better than those who are younger.
Because memories which are positive tend to be remembered better by the brain, they are more important in helping people improve their memories. These memories tend to be much more detailed than those which are negative. The only problem with powerful emotions is that it can cause people to forget about things which are not as intense. For example, have you ever been in a situation that was highly emotional, and as a result you were late for something such as an appointment, or you forgot to do something that was not significant?
If emotions are a part of the foundation of memory, then it appears that the information you receive is not as important as the effect it has on your emotions. This may be why many students fail to retain the information that is presented to them by their teachers. If the information isn’t presented to them in a way that will not effect their emotions, their brains will not be quick to hold onto the information. Another part of the emotion that will have an effect on memory is the mood of the individual. A large amount of research has been done on the connections between memory and mood, and the evidence shows that the mood of a person will determine whether or not their brain will retain information.
For example, a person who is depressed is much more likely to remember things that are negative rather than positive. The proper name for this situation is mood congruence. The second effect that mood has on memory is called mood dependence. With mood dependence, a person will remember something much more rapidly when they retrieve a certain emotional state while they are in the process of going through the event. The current studies indicate that the way a person deals with an emotional situation does not have an effect on how their memory stores it.
One way to improve your memory is to learn information in a manner which effects your emotions. For example, learning how to solve specific math problems may require you to have the problems presented to you in a way that will effect you on an emotional level. This will allow your brain to retain the information. It should also be noted that while the intensity of emotion appears to be connected to the memory, the connection between the content of the emotion and memory is currently not well understood.
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