The Importance of Mental Stimulation For Improving Your Memory
A number of studies have indicated that people who are mentally stimulated have a much lower chance of developing debilitating memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s.
Senior citizens who regularly engage in activities that allow them to exercise their minds are also at a reduced risk of developing memory problems. What this shows is that there is a connection between mental stimulation and the development of diseases which effect the memory.
Mental stimulation can come in a variety of different forms. Those who are socially active tend to have higher levels of memory, while individuals who suffer from depression or low self-esteem will be at a greater risk for developing Alzheimer’s. Social interaction is not just something that is done for pleasure, but it appears to play an important role in the function of the brain. Keeping your brain fit is just as important as keeping your body fit. We often hear about the importance of keeping the body in good shape, and there are a number of products sold on the market that are designed for this purpose.
However, we do not live in a society that places a high emphasis on mental fitness. If you don’t believe me, just turn on your television and count the number of times you hear about products that can make you physically fit compared to those that are designed to make you mentally fit. You will probably notice that there is a big difference. The body cannot exist without the mind, and vice vera. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other memory disorders are a result of the failure to stimulate the mind. Your mind should be exercised on a regular basis.
Studies have consistently shown that individuals who were 75 years of age who regularly read books and played games each week were much less likely to get dementia. The brain is a part of your body, and you must exercise it if you want to have a sharp memory. The connection between mental stimulation and memory is strong. The good thing about exercising your mind is that it can be done for free, or at an extremely low cost. For example, there are a number of IQ tests available online which are free to take. By taking these IQ tests, you will be exercising your mind.
Taking an online IQ test is to your brain what riding a bike or lifting weights is to your body. It will keep you mentally fit, and will improve your memory. It doesn’t matter what you score. The score that you make is not as important as the exercise you will give to your mind. As you continue to take IQ tests and play memory games, your scores will begin to rise. Contrary to popular belief, your IQ is not set in stone. Like your muscles, your brain can be enhanced. Many people who are called geniuses aren’t so intelligent because they were born that way, but because their parents exercised their brains while they were children.
While this is more difficult for adults, it can still be done, but it will take effort on your part. While it is important to keep your body fit, you should never neglect your mind. Read as much as you can, and play memory games whenever you have the time. Not only is knowledge power, but it is good for the mind. While you may not be an outgoing person, you will want to be as socially active as possible. Find people who have interests which are similar to yours. Studies have shown that just talking to people can help you avoid cognitive problems as you age.
The personality of a person will also play a role in whether or not they develop memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s. People that are constantly depressed, or who are not socially active are much more likely to develop cognitive problems later on in life. While all of us face varying levels of anxiety or stress, it is important to reduce it as much as possible, and try to develop a positive outlook on life. By combining this with exercising which are mentally stimulated, you should be able to greatly enhance and maintain your memory.
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